George Pitzalis
diseases related to a state of malnutrition, once common, are now the exception, at least in developed countries. Even the micro-constituents of the diet, such as vitamins, whose lack of introduction until a few years ago was due to deficiency or even real deficiency syndromes, are favorably affected by the change in dietary habits from increased prosperity. There are basically two major groups of vitamins, water soluble and fat soluble. Among the first victims. B1, found primarily in meat, vegetables, potatoes, fruit, and the vit. B2 (meat, fish, milk, eggs), the vit. B6 (meat, liver, egg yolk, milk, green leafy vegetables, fruits), the vit.B12 (carni, latte, formaggi); la vit. PP (carni, pesce, cereali); l’acido folico (carni, uova, formaggi, legumi, patate, cereali). Le vitamine liposolubili sono la vit. A contenuta nel fegato, burro, latte, formaggi, uova, la provitamina A (carote, spinaci, cavoli, albicocche), la vit. D (fegato, burro, latte, formaggi, uova), la vit. E (olio di arachidi e di oliva, ortaggi verdi, germe di cereali), la vit. K (spinaci, cavoli). Tuttavia, per alcune di queste vitamine possono ancora oggi verificarsi situazioni di carenza marginale. Non raramente infatti gli apporti ali¬mentari di vitamine possono essere insufficienti nelle fasi di rapido accrescimento e sviluppo corporeo o in situazioni contingen ¬ you of increased need, such as an intense physical activity. This is particularly likely if the usual food, as often happens, is based on a small variety of foods or use preva ¬ lens of food stored for a long time before consumption or subjected to artificial aging or other technological mind ¬ processed so that their real vitamin content is substantially reduced. Exposure to heat or the light, oxidation, the cooking of food result in a loss of vitamins ¬ ta high active species of water-soluble ones. The sterilization of milk results in a reduction of 30% of the content of vit. And vitamin B1. B6 and 50 ¬% on the cylinder to the victims. B12 and the preservation of fruit and vegetables results in almost total loss of vit.C. Then there are diseases that involve intestinal malabsorption, or for interactions with drugs or toxic ¬ ca paci to reduce or alter the ability to use nutrients in the body. For example, mineral oils, used as sativi ¬ las, determine fecal loss of fat-soluble vitamins. Between an optimal state of nutrition and a lack of obvious we can recognize the many intermediate situations where ¬ physiological or pathological significance remains unclear. All the more so because the process of depletion of vitamin 'body is usually slow and gradual. This process can essere schematicamente suddiviso in sei stadi evolutivi. Il primo stadio corrisponde al periodo di bilancio negativo tra apporto nutrizionale di una certa vitamina ed il suo fabbisogno, com¬pensato dal progressivo depauperamento delle riserve corporee; l' escrezione urinaria della vitamina spesso diminuisce mentre i li¬velli ematici sono ancora nei limiti della norma. Nel secondo stadio si ha una caduta netta dell'escrezione urinaria di vitamina ed un'iniziale alterazione dei livelli ematici e tissutali. Il terzo stadio è caratterizzato dalla diminuzione delle concentrazioni ematiche, urinarie e tissutali di vitamina e dalla ridotta attività di enzimi vitamino-dipendenti, metaboliti od ormoni. Possono già comparire sintomi aspecifici quali malessere, insomnia, poor appetite, changes in mood and mental performance, alterations in immune responses. The fourth stage is characterized by the appearance of morphological and functional alterations of their deficiency. So if this is not promptly and adequately treated, the disease becomes overt deficiency and will continue to dominate the picture of the classic symptoms and signs, first as reversible, in the fifth stage, and then irreversibly in the sixth and final stage. According to this scheme, the vitamin deficiency is a health problem already in the third stage and at this stage must be recognized and treated. In conclusion, a varied diet, including fruits and vegetables obviously multicolored is essential to avoid these problems and avoid costly as other vitamin supplements.
... to be continued