Sunday, August 29, 2010

Braces Wax Poisonous?

Marchionne rules and ethics of Berlinguer

for anyone if it were lost
of Eugenio Scalfari
The Marchionne spoke in Rimini the meeting of Communion and Liberation did not say great news compared to the Pomigliano Marchionne. Moreover since then nothing has happened of relevance that had not already been provided: the global car market continues to lose shots in the West (and win in major country markets emergenti); la Fiat è una delle imprese più penalizzate sia sul mercato italiano sia su quello europeo; la stessa Fiat tuttavia vende in Italia circa il 40 per cento del suo prodotto e quindi in Italia ci deve restare, che lo voglia oppure no, ed anche le più massicce de-localizzazioni non possono cancellare con un tratto di penna tutti gli stabilimenti italiani e la manodopera che ci lavora.Questa situazione è nota da un pezzo, fin da quando due anni fa Marchionne lanciò l'operazione Chrysler con l'accordo dei suoi azionisti, del presidente americano Barack Obama e dei sindacati di Detroit. Non tutti i commentatori capirono che non era la Fiat a conquistare la Chrysler ma viceversa: la Fiat si aggrappava alla Chrysler, anch'essa in stato pre-agonico, to make a force of two weaknesses. This was the program that Marchionne on the other hand was also honest in admitting this verità.Previde - and said so - that Fiat could spin off car production from the rest of the group formed a new company, which took place as planned . Since then there have been no new activities:
Marchionne had previously declared that he was working in a new era of globalized economy, he used the image "after Christ" also well become new famosa.Di there was in fact the translation of this program, Pomigliano, Termini Imerese, in Melfi and partly to Mirafiori. The referendum in Pomigliano, the new company now owns the plant, la resistenza della Fiom-Cgil, lo sciopero di Melfi, i tre licenziati, il ricorso al Tar e il loro reintegro, la decisione della Fiat di non riammetterli al lavoro in attesa del secondo grado di giudizio, l'intervento del presidente Napolitano e il suo auspicio di superare l'incidente con spirito di equità in attesa della sentenza definitiva. Infine il Marchionne di Rimini . A Rimini l'amministratore delegato della Fiat ha esposto con la massima chiarezza alcuni suoi "mantra".
1. L'economia globalizzata impone che l'aumento di produttività nei paesi opulenti sia molto più elevato di quanto negli ultimi trent'anni non sia avvenuto, per tenere il passo con quanto avviene nei paesi emergenti e non perdere altro terreno nei loro confronti.
2. La lotta di classe è finita perché non ci sono più classi.
3. La domanda di automobili in Occidente è molto diminuita ed è tuttora in calo, perciò bisogna concentrare la produzione in un numero limitato di imprese, riducendo il numero delle unità prodotte e aumentando la competitività.
4. I lavoratori debbono accettare nuove regole sulla flessibilità negli orari, sul ricorso allo sciopero, sulla struttura del salario e dei contratti.
5. La giurisdizione del lavoro dovrà, di conseguenza, essere aggiornata.
6. Forme di partecipazione dei workers to profit from increased productivity are desirable and should be encouraged.
7. The social partners should press governments to obtain new types of "welfare" appropriate to the new regole.Alcuni of these principles are reasonable and deserve to be discussed. Others have deeply reactionary inspiration. Also some striking omissions in this reasoning, the most obvious of which concerns the pay inequalities that have reached unacceptable levels. Marchionne may say that these issues do not affect its "playing field" but would deny this with the obvious: every person and every employee lives in a social context that can not be fragmented, is a global context and implies at the forefront the issue of rights and duties.
must recognize - and for me as I've written several times - that the global economy requires a transfer of welfare from poor and emerging affluent area. You can gradualizzare some extent this process, but it is pointless to try to stop it. The transfer can take place in various ways. One of them is immigration from poor affluent area, another is the de-localization of production and capital in the opposite direction, another is the search for similar transfers of social welfare within the opulent rich and poor classes of classes, accompanied by more intense pace of productivity in poor areas so that their social dynamic offset the areas ricche.Siamo that - and certainly not by choice - in front of a giant planet-sized social rehabilitation, during which we must take steady the bar on two fundamental rights: freedom and equality. The restructuring of social fact of such proportions as to endanger those two rights. That may give rise to authoritarian forms of government the illusion that only that way you can govern social processes, and can also lead to unacceptable discrimination in terms of equality. Unfortunately in Italy there is a danger to load the burden of restructuring the most vulnerable social and wounded in this way both the equality and freedom.
During the meeting in Rimini, the day before Marchionne spoke Giulio Tremonti. A large discourse, economy, finance and politics. Tremonti's intervention has been widely reported in the newspapers and there will come back on, but there is a point that interests me here to take: When the economy minister spoke of austerity in mind that in years gone by that notion was supported by Enrico Berlinguer, who proposed to make the cornerstone of a new economic policy. It is true, Berlinguer saw with thirty years before the great social reorganization that was coming, it took some implicazioni che riguardavano la politica e le istituzioni, decise di orientare in modo nuovo la politica del suo partito affinché si ponesse alla guida di quel riassetto.Non fu soltanto Berlinguer a imboccare quella strada. Nel Pci a favore d'una politica di austerità si schierò Giorgio Amendola, nel sindacato Luciano Lama, negli altri partiti Ugo La Malfa, Riccardo Lombardi, Antonio Giolitti, Gino Giugni e Giorgio Ruffolo, Bruno Visentini. Nella Dc, Ezio Vanoni e Pasquale Saraceno. Insomma la sinistra di governo e la sinistra di opposizione. Il richiamo di Tremonti è stato dunque molto opportuno: la sinistra, quella sinistra, aveva capito in anticipo i tempi e le crisi che si addensavano e ne vide le conseguenze sulla società italiana.Tremonti but did not make explicit the meaning of that position. Berlinguer wanted it left to lead the impending social rehabilitation, to ensure that not only were the weakest classes to pay the cost. This aspect of the problem has been obscured by our Minister of Economy and is instead the key issue. If you need to implement a comprehensive institutional modernization and a transfer of welfare from wealthy economies to emerging ones, if such a massive reorganization can not be separated from a similar restructuring in affluent areas, it is clear that the weak should participate in very front row for this operation. The middle classes and lower-middle can not be the subject of the reorganization social without being at the same time the main soggetto.Questo is the missing analysis of Tremonti and Marchionne has conspicuously failed as failed Marcegaglia. The entire meeting in Rimini has been silent on this point: all the more glaring omission in what happened on one occasion sponsored by a major Catholic communities, complete with a papal blessing and attendance cardinals. Nor is it acceptable that such a blatant omission is justified by the argument that the political aspect does not affect traders and imprenditori.Grave error: the political economy has as its central theme of ethics, that the rights and duty, the happiness and unhappiness, the giustizia e del privilegio. Una Comunità cattolica dovrebbe mettere al centro delle sue riflessioni questo tema e porlo ai suoi ospiti. Se non lo fa, diventa una lobby come in effetti Cl è da tempo diventata .

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Episode Vegeta X Bulma

no home, no work. It's easy to say, thirty years

Si fa presto a dire “trent’anni” vissuti in un paese di stragi, e stragisti. In una nazione che ha lenìto, solo con funerali e giornalisti e sindacalisti, il dolore delle vittime. Col collega che ci ha lasciato sua figlia, sul primo binario, e dava di matto, all’epoca. Coi magistrati da soli, in prima linea. Si fa presto a dire trent’anni with a subtle fear that overcame you each time you take a train towards the Apennines, with the obsessive care to avoid the waiting room, and buying a newspaper to read, on the journey, not to think about it too. It's easy to say that work, thirty years, a company in which are forgotten in the copier with a copy of the manual to join the venerable Mason, and you see above and turn heads with confusion swirling Capetti, renovation of sites and functions, a logic that responds to everything except the welfare of the client, and work. Without an apparent logic, except that while the IRS collects us less, because the company is restructured without end. It's easy to say that young people today have no future. If you are studying abroad, or else to remain living with parents without work, while we we had. Yes, but what work? Alice saw fellow students continue their studies with scholarships given to children of professionals, who reported incomes lower than those of his parents and employees. No one knew thirty years ago? or was it a way, too, to encourage, as now, the children of certain social classes? It's easy to say thirty years, lived in a country where to find the house is impossible, if not to jeopardize their lives for decades, only to see that instead they make the houses, and eat the grass around it, every year hundreds of hectares, and are empty thousands already made, because no one wants to fix it. For thirty years. Alice had two parents, with whom he often had to run to the emergency room - they were old and sick - and every time we remained eight hours in a row, patient complaints and also surrounded by blood, as in third-world thriller, only to be told yes, the place was, but not in the specialist clinic, but in geriatrics or general medicine, where every time he saw kids graduating who did not know where to put their hands. And every time she had to instruct them, medical history, allergies, because the card each time the patient was thrown. Or the database was different from one hospital to the other, and nobody knew nulla dell’altro. Eppure era anche contenta, perché nel suo paese, molto spesso, andava anche peggio. Molto peggio. Per trent’anni Alice ha vissuto in un luogo dove hanno deciso che Privato era meglio che Pubblico, e invece di controllare gli appalti, come un privato farebbe per prima cosa, si son cominciati a contare i minuti che occorrono per fare la Tac, oppure l’eco, o anche le visite, perché bisognava produrre ricchezza. Anche nella salute occorre evitare gli sprechi, e la cura dei vecchi è uno spreco, rende poco, anzi, non rende. Nel paese di Alice ci vogliono mesi per ottenere una licenza, di qualsiasi genere, ma occorrono minuti per venir derubati sull’autobus, se solo non tieni in bocca la borsa. Ci vogliono weeks to get the medical records, but the exorbitant bills to pay now everywhere, and if they cut off two months later, a light gas and water. If you need to enroll your child in a school in a long time, six months before you sign up, but when he gets there, just a week to know that the money for toilet paper are not there, and they also have to pay immediately. If you decide to have a child, and if not born in normal times, you also have to pay to go abroad, to shell out millions because of Alice's life in the country is governed only at birth, not after. After you can go to war - by volunteers, of course, and unemployment that beats is a good ground for volunteers - and after you can expose them to uranium depleted, you can let them die on the streets on Saturday evening, you can let them die in a foundry, or on rooftops, even for drugs, ignorant, uneducated, and easy prey for drug dealers hungry, let them die like this ... in this country. Every so often we have a start, we look around and see them dazed, at the sides of the streets of major cities, holding a beer at ten o'clock in the morning, and we ask ourselves: Who am I? Alice, in her country, after thirty years, he feels discomfort: he strikes, the struggles involved, volunteer, he shouted, in hospital wards, he gritted his teeth, has long debt for its roof, fought thirty years to get a better quality. Ma sente fastidio, oggi sente fastidio. Farà la sua parte, ancora, e di nuovo, ma non riesce più ad ascoltare chi finora l’ha fatta vivere così. Le viene la rogna, a sentire certi paroloni: secessione, presidenzialismo, de-localizzazione, tangentopoli, piduisti, pidiellisti, falchi, padanie, appaltopoli, grilli di qua e valori di là, deflazioni, speculazioni, inflazioni, globalizzazioni, sub-prime e finanziarizzazione. Le viene la rogna, a sentire questi tiggì che parlano solo degli altri, di quelli che, eletti al governo, fanno finta, finta di tutto. Fanno finta che lei non esista: qui sta il punto vero. Nel suo paese è successo di tutto, in trent’anni. È mancata solo una cosa: la dignità of living, of building something in a reasonable time, meeting the needs decent answers, the lift in the morning without thinking: which casino-obstacle-problem-insult I have to overcome today?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is A 10 Inch Dobsonian A Good Scope

commercials on TV too much fat and sugar

If you were to follow the advice commercials aired on television, you would end up eating too much fat, sugar and salt. Explain it in an article published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Michael Mink and colleagues at Armstrong Atlantic State University.

According to the authors of the study, the ubiquity of television in America makes it a potential key factor in creating an environment "obesogenic", that promotes obesity. The commercials on TV are in fact a proposal for a diet. Da queste considerazioni nasce l'idea di paragonare il contenuto nutrizionale dei cibi proposti dalla pubblicità con le linee guida sull'alimentazione.
A questo scopo sono state analizzate 84 ore di programmazione mandate in onda in prima serata e il sabato mattina durante l'autunno del 2004. Dal test è emerso che un'alimentazione basata sui cibi offerti dagli spot avrebbe 25 volte il valore di zucchero consigliato, 20 volte quello di grassi e solo il 40% delle porzioni di verdura ottimali, il 32% di latticini e il 27% di frutta. Nel complesso il menu giornaliero risulterebbe troppo ricco in proteine, grassi, grassi saturi, colesterolo e sodio, e povero in carboidrati, fibre, vitamine A, E e D, acido pantotenico, ferro, fosforo, calcio, magnesium, copper and potassium.
In fact, a hypothesis which finds some confirmation is that advertising changes consumer preferences. A study has shown, for example, this appears persuasive promotions aimed at children, especially when they use the most famous cartoon characters. The research was led by Chris Roberts and colleagues at Yale University, and published on the number of Pediatrics, 21 June. It was found that children in the age group 4-6 years are the most delicious cookies, candies and even the carrots when they are printed on the package recognizable characters like Dora, Scooby Doo and Shrek. For example, in the case of biscuits, 55% of children said that those with the character had a better taste, compared with 37% who chose the answer "same taste" and 7% who preferred to those without character. The results for the marshmallows to the fruit were similar, while in the case of carrots showed a less marked preference.
In both cases, the study ends with an appeal to the regulation of advertising of foods with a high-calorie and low nutritional value.

Source: Nutritional imbalance
Endorsed by televised food advertisements. Mink M, Evans A, Moore CG, Calderon KS, S. Deger J Am Diet Assoc.J Am Diet Assoc. 2010 Jun; 110 (6) :904-10.