The following text is the author to study for tomorrow, or Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, Count of Saint-Simon , unique and eccentric figure forerunner of positivism, functionalism and, notoriously, of utopian socialism.
The manual guide says "Saint-Simon has a conception organicistic , based on analogy with living organisms. The company is not a mere aggregate of living beings, each acting on his behalf but a real organized machine, whose parts contribute in their own way to the functioning of the whole "( Sociology Today, p. 138).
Let us see a little 'what is best in this" organismic conception "of Saint-Simon and what it means in practice. I think it's useful to read an excerpt from "The organisateur" (Organizer), a series of files written between 1819 and 1820 in which Saint-Simon speaks directly to his audience. The sociologist A. Accornero wrote that "the industrial society really comes to life with this proud little book, which is the apotheosis of doing, produce, benefit, value and all those who" are truly the jewel of the company "" .
From "The organisateur" by Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon
"Suppose that France suddenly lost his fifty best physicists, chemists, physiologists, mathematicians, poets, painters, sculptors, musicians, writers ; its fifty best mechanics, engineers and military gunners, architects, doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, sailors, watchmakers, and his fifty best bankers, its best two hundred merchants, its best six hundred farmers, its fifty best blacksmiths , dealers, tanners, dyers, miners, manufacturers of clothing, from cotton, silk, paintings, knickknacks, pottery and porcelain, crystal and glass, his fifty top owners, its fifty best transportation agencies, her fifty best printers, engravers, goldsmiths and other specialists in metalworking, and his fifty best masons, carpenters, joiners, blacksmiths, serraturai, knife, smelters, and hundreds of other people of different conditions, the most skilled in the sciences, fine arts, arts and crafts which added together make up the three thousand top scientists, artists and artisans of France.
Because these men are among all the French producers most essential, those that provide the most important products, those who direct the work more useful to the nation, and that makes production in the sciences, in the fine arts, arts and crafts, they are truly the flower of French society, the French are most useful to their country, which provide more glories, let you move more quickly on the path of civilization and prosperity, at the same time where should lose, the nation would become a body without a soul, would fall immediately into a state of inferiority against nations with which now rivals, and they remain lower until it had been rectified with this loss, until a new head had not grown back.
to rebuild from a disaster like France would need at least an entire generation, as individuals capable to distinguish themselves in the work of a positive utility are real exceptions, and nature is not generous with exceptions, especially of this type then. And now we do another hypothesis.
admit that France retains all men of genius who has in the sciences, fine arts, arts and crafts, but have the misfortune of losing the same day, Mr. King's brother, the Duke of Angouleme, the Duke of Berry, the Duc d'Orléans, Duke of Bourbon, the Duchess of Angouleme, the Duchess of Berry, the Duchess of Orleans, the Duchess of Bourbon, and Mademoiselle de Conde. And at the same time lose all the great officers of the crown, all Ministers of State (with or without portfolio), all directors of the State, all the dignitaries, marshals all his, all his cardinals, archbishops, bishops, vicars and canons large, all the prefects, sub-prefect, employees in ministries, judges, and also ten thousand richest owners among those who live like nobility.
This fact certainly afflict the French, who are people of good heart, unable to assist with indifference to the sudden disappearance of so many of their compatriots. But this loss of three thousand people, considered the most important state, and give them a purely emotional pain, are not in fact any political damage for the state. First, it would be easy to fill the vacancy; many Frenchmen would be able to exercise the functions of the brother of the King of Monsieur as well, many would be able to fill the post with equal dignity of Prince of the Duke of Berry, the Duke of Orleans, the Duke of Bourbon, and many French princesses would be very good, neither more nor less than the Duchess of Angouleme, the Duchesse de Berry, Madame d'Orleans, Bourbon Condé.
The corridors of the royal palace are full of courtiers ready to take the places of great officers of the crown, many officers in the army militate equally capable in command of our current marshals.
And how many employees are worth our ministri di Stato! Quanti amministratori sono in grado di gestire gli affari dei dipartimenti molto meglio dei prefetti e sottoprefetti oggi in carica!
Quanti avvocati, buoni giuristi come i nostri giudici! Quanti parroci hanno le medesime capacità dei nostri cardinali, arcivescovi, vescovi, grandi vicari, canonici!
Quanto poi ai diecimila proprietari che vivono come i nobili, i loro eredi non avranno certo bisogno di un lungo apprendistato per emularli nell'arte di fare gli onori di casa. Solo i progressi delle scienze, delle belle arti e delle arti e mestieri possono assicurare la prosperità della Francia; ora i prìncipi, i grandi ufficiali della corona, i vescovi, i marescialli di Francia, i prefetti e i proprietari oziosi non lavorano affatto al progresso delle scienze, delle belle arti, delle arti e mestieri; lungi dal contribuirvi non possono che nuocere ad esso, giacché fanno di tutto per prolungare il predominio sinora esercitato dalle teorie congetturali sulle scienze positive; essi nuocciono necessariamente alla prosperità della nazione privando, come stanno facendo, del più alto grado di considerazione che loro compete legittimamente, gli scienziati, gli artisti, gli artigiani; essi vi nuocciono poiché impiegano i loro patrimoni in modi non direttamente utili alle scienze, alle belle arti, alle arti e mestieri; vi nuocciono poiché prelevano ogni anno sulle imposte pagate dalla nazione una somma da tre a quattrocento milioni, sotto forma di stipendi, pensions, gratuities, allowances, etc.., as a benefit of their activities entirely useless to the nation.
These assumptions highlight the most important fact of the current policy, and allow you to catch a glance in its full extent, they clearly demonstrate, albeit indirectly, how little has improved the social organization; how men let themselves be driven by more violence and cunning, and how the human species (politically speaking) is still steeped in immorality.
As scientists, artists and artisans, from which the company only gets positive utility, and that does not cost hardly anything, are in posizione subalterna rispetto ai prìncipi e agli altri governanti, i quali per parte loro non fanno che uniformarsi, con maggiore o minore incapacità, alle consuetudini.
Poiché i dispensatori degli onori e delle altre ricompense nazionali devono generalmente la loro posizione di predominio soltanto al caso della nascita, alle lusinghe, all'intrigo e ad altre azioni poco stimabili. Poiché coloro cui compete l'amministrazione dei pubblici affari spartiscono fra di loro ogni anno la metà del gettito delle imposte, e non impiegano nemmeno un terzo dei contributi, di cui non si sono impadroniti personalmente, in cose utili agli amministrati. Queste ipotesi dimostrano come l'attuale società sia veramente il mondo alla rovescia. Poiché the nation has accepted as a fundamental principle that states that the poor must prove generous to the rich, and hence the lower classes every day to give up a part of the need to increase the surplus of landlords. Since the worst offenders, thieves in general, those who squeeze all citizens and rob them of every three or four hundred million years, then have the task of punishing minor offenses against society. Because ignorance, superstition, laziness, love of expensive pleasures are the prerogative of the supreme leaders of society, and capable individuals, investors, works are used only in subordinate functions, as mere tools. Since
in ogni tipo di attività, in una parola, sono gli uomini incapaci ad essere incaricati di dare ordini a quelli capaci; dal punto di vista morale, a quelli più immorali viene richiesto di educare i cittadini alla virtù; e da quello della giustizia distributiva, ai grandi rei viene affidata la massima autorità per punire le colpe dei delinquenti minori.
Sebbene questo estratto sia assai breve, ci sembra di aver sufficientemente dimostrato che il corpo politico era ammalato; che la sua malattia era grave e pericolosa; che esso non poteva contrarne di peggiore, dal momento che ne era colpito contemporaneamente nelle sue parti e nell'insieme".
Letto tutto con attenzione? Bene, adesso comincia il vostro confronto critico, which comprises:
- in assessing the social proposal of Saint-Simon (makes sense? feasible? is today?)
- in dealing with this situation (it is right that those who work and produce have more weight than those who are "unproductive"? is evaluated here as the "productivity" of a social group? what we do for those who are judged "incapable"?)
- in critical consideration of the proposed social organization, formulating a sensible opinion on it (the reasons for agreement or disagreement, avoiding purely subjective considerations such as "I like / I do not like") for a country's worse to lose all its scientists and its contractors and all its politicians and Church?
place then your comment (with your name, please, do not accept anonymous comments!) By clicking on "comments" at the bottom of the post ( "Choose an identity" -> select " Name / URL "-> type name: when you are sure, confirm by clicking on" Publish Post ). If you performed the operation correctly read a message that tells you that your comments have been posted and is awaiting approval of the owner (that would be me) blog. After being approved (non-public post silly or vulgar), then read your comments and will include some observations, which you can respond, whether you consider it appropriate.
Good job.
Alessandro Bellan
The manual guide says "Saint-Simon has a conception organicistic , based on analogy with living organisms. The company is not a mere aggregate of living beings, each acting on his behalf but a real organized machine, whose parts contribute in their own way to the functioning of the whole "( Sociology Today, p. 138).
Let us see a little 'what is best in this" organismic conception "of Saint-Simon and what it means in practice. I think it's useful to read an excerpt from "The organisateur" (Organizer), a series of files written between 1819 and 1820 in which Saint-Simon speaks directly to his audience. The sociologist A. Accornero wrote that "the industrial society really comes to life with this proud little book, which is the apotheosis of doing, produce, benefit, value and all those who" are truly the jewel of the company "" .
From "The organisateur" by Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon
"Suppose that France suddenly lost his fifty best physicists, chemists, physiologists, mathematicians, poets, painters, sculptors, musicians, writers ; its fifty best mechanics, engineers and military gunners, architects, doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, sailors, watchmakers, and his fifty best bankers, its best two hundred merchants, its best six hundred farmers, its fifty best blacksmiths , dealers, tanners, dyers, miners, manufacturers of clothing, from cotton, silk, paintings, knickknacks, pottery and porcelain, crystal and glass, his fifty top owners, its fifty best transportation agencies, her fifty best printers, engravers, goldsmiths and other specialists in metalworking, and his fifty best masons, carpenters, joiners, blacksmiths, serraturai, knife, smelters, and hundreds of other people of different conditions, the most skilled in the sciences, fine arts, arts and crafts which added together make up the three thousand top scientists, artists and artisans of France.
Because these men are among all the French producers most essential, those that provide the most important products, those who direct the work more useful to the nation, and that makes production in the sciences, in the fine arts, arts and crafts, they are truly the flower of French society, the French are most useful to their country, which provide more glories, let you move more quickly on the path of civilization and prosperity, at the same time where should lose, the nation would become a body without a soul, would fall immediately into a state of inferiority against nations with which now rivals, and they remain lower until it had been rectified with this loss, until a new head had not grown back.
to rebuild from a disaster like France would need at least an entire generation, as individuals capable to distinguish themselves in the work of a positive utility are real exceptions, and nature is not generous with exceptions, especially of this type then. And now we do another hypothesis.
admit that France retains all men of genius who has in the sciences, fine arts, arts and crafts, but have the misfortune of losing the same day, Mr. King's brother, the Duke of Angouleme, the Duke of Berry, the Duc d'Orléans, Duke of Bourbon, the Duchess of Angouleme, the Duchess of Berry, the Duchess of Orleans, the Duchess of Bourbon, and Mademoiselle de Conde. And at the same time lose all the great officers of the crown, all Ministers of State (with or without portfolio), all directors of the State, all the dignitaries, marshals all his, all his cardinals, archbishops, bishops, vicars and canons large, all the prefects, sub-prefect, employees in ministries, judges, and also ten thousand richest owners among those who live like nobility.
This fact certainly afflict the French, who are people of good heart, unable to assist with indifference to the sudden disappearance of so many of their compatriots. But this loss of three thousand people, considered the most important state, and give them a purely emotional pain, are not in fact any political damage for the state. First, it would be easy to fill the vacancy; many Frenchmen would be able to exercise the functions of the brother of the King of Monsieur as well, many would be able to fill the post with equal dignity of Prince of the Duke of Berry, the Duke of Orleans, the Duke of Bourbon, and many French princesses would be very good, neither more nor less than the Duchess of Angouleme, the Duchesse de Berry, Madame d'Orleans, Bourbon Condé.
The corridors of the royal palace are full of courtiers ready to take the places of great officers of the crown, many officers in the army militate equally capable in command of our current marshals.
And how many employees are worth our ministri di Stato! Quanti amministratori sono in grado di gestire gli affari dei dipartimenti molto meglio dei prefetti e sottoprefetti oggi in carica!
Quanti avvocati, buoni giuristi come i nostri giudici! Quanti parroci hanno le medesime capacità dei nostri cardinali, arcivescovi, vescovi, grandi vicari, canonici!
Quanto poi ai diecimila proprietari che vivono come i nobili, i loro eredi non avranno certo bisogno di un lungo apprendistato per emularli nell'arte di fare gli onori di casa. Solo i progressi delle scienze, delle belle arti e delle arti e mestieri possono assicurare la prosperità della Francia; ora i prìncipi, i grandi ufficiali della corona, i vescovi, i marescialli di Francia, i prefetti e i proprietari oziosi non lavorano affatto al progresso delle scienze, delle belle arti, delle arti e mestieri; lungi dal contribuirvi non possono che nuocere ad esso, giacché fanno di tutto per prolungare il predominio sinora esercitato dalle teorie congetturali sulle scienze positive; essi nuocciono necessariamente alla prosperità della nazione privando, come stanno facendo, del più alto grado di considerazione che loro compete legittimamente, gli scienziati, gli artisti, gli artigiani; essi vi nuocciono poiché impiegano i loro patrimoni in modi non direttamente utili alle scienze, alle belle arti, alle arti e mestieri; vi nuocciono poiché prelevano ogni anno sulle imposte pagate dalla nazione una somma da tre a quattrocento milioni, sotto forma di stipendi, pensions, gratuities, allowances, etc.., as a benefit of their activities entirely useless to the nation.
These assumptions highlight the most important fact of the current policy, and allow you to catch a glance in its full extent, they clearly demonstrate, albeit indirectly, how little has improved the social organization; how men let themselves be driven by more violence and cunning, and how the human species (politically speaking) is still steeped in immorality.
As scientists, artists and artisans, from which the company only gets positive utility, and that does not cost hardly anything, are in posizione subalterna rispetto ai prìncipi e agli altri governanti, i quali per parte loro non fanno che uniformarsi, con maggiore o minore incapacità, alle consuetudini.
Poiché i dispensatori degli onori e delle altre ricompense nazionali devono generalmente la loro posizione di predominio soltanto al caso della nascita, alle lusinghe, all'intrigo e ad altre azioni poco stimabili. Poiché coloro cui compete l'amministrazione dei pubblici affari spartiscono fra di loro ogni anno la metà del gettito delle imposte, e non impiegano nemmeno un terzo dei contributi, di cui non si sono impadroniti personalmente, in cose utili agli amministrati. Queste ipotesi dimostrano come l'attuale società sia veramente il mondo alla rovescia. Poiché the nation has accepted as a fundamental principle that states that the poor must prove generous to the rich, and hence the lower classes every day to give up a part of the need to increase the surplus of landlords. Since the worst offenders, thieves in general, those who squeeze all citizens and rob them of every three or four hundred million years, then have the task of punishing minor offenses against society. Because ignorance, superstition, laziness, love of expensive pleasures are the prerogative of the supreme leaders of society, and capable individuals, investors, works are used only in subordinate functions, as mere tools. Since
in ogni tipo di attività, in una parola, sono gli uomini incapaci ad essere incaricati di dare ordini a quelli capaci; dal punto di vista morale, a quelli più immorali viene richiesto di educare i cittadini alla virtù; e da quello della giustizia distributiva, ai grandi rei viene affidata la massima autorità per punire le colpe dei delinquenti minori.
Sebbene questo estratto sia assai breve, ci sembra di aver sufficientemente dimostrato che il corpo politico era ammalato; che la sua malattia era grave e pericolosa; che esso non poteva contrarne di peggiore, dal momento che ne era colpito contemporaneamente nelle sue parti e nell'insieme".
Letto tutto con attenzione? Bene, adesso comincia il vostro confronto critico, which comprises:
- in assessing the social proposal of Saint-Simon (makes sense? feasible? is today?)
- in dealing with this situation (it is right that those who work and produce have more weight than those who are "unproductive"? is evaluated here as the "productivity" of a social group? what we do for those who are judged "incapable"?)
- in critical consideration of the proposed social organization, formulating a sensible opinion on it (the reasons for agreement or disagreement, avoiding purely subjective considerations such as "I like / I do not like") for a country's worse to lose all its scientists and its contractors and all its politicians and Church?
place then your comment (with your name, please, do not accept anonymous comments!) By clicking on "comments" at the bottom of the post ( "Choose an identity" -> select " Name / URL "-> type name: when you are sure, confirm by clicking on" Publish Post ). If you performed the operation correctly read a message that tells you that your comments have been posted and is awaiting approval of the owner (that would be me) blog. After being approved (non-public post silly or vulgar), then read your comments and will include some observations, which you can respond, whether you consider it appropriate.
Good job.
Alessandro Bellan