BERSANI : senza di noi non c'è alternativa a Berlusconi
Non saremo utili idioti per nessuno.
«Chi maltratta il pd rifletta, perché rischia di tenersi Berlusconi, senza di noi non va a casa. Il Pd è pronto a discutere con tutti, a seguire tutti i passaggi... ma non a fare la salmeria, non saremo utili idioti di un progetto di qualcun altro: abbiamo il fisico per esser il traino dell'alternativa».
Mai più l'Unione.
"There will never be a mechanism such as the Union, which is unable to keep promises." Never again, he insisted, a coalition like the one in which "some of your ally, while the government was the only thing for the North as the tax wedge and the infrastructure, put his finger in the eye in terms of moral judgments with respect to small business' .
New Olive Tree is the alternative.
"An alliance for democracy, to protect the democratic rules, the new olive tree is the heart of the proposed alternative government. Does not refer to the union and not prices. "
Bossi e Berlusconi hanno tradito il Nord.
«Non è vero che siamo stranieri al nord. Abbiamo delle responsabilità ma il sogno e il progetto di Bossi e Berlusconi sono falliti. Il nord è stato tradito così come l'intera Italia è stata tradita. Il sogno di liberare l'energia del nord affinchè si liberasse l'intero paese è fallito. Questo è stato un danno enorme per l'Itali che si è mano mano allontanata dai grandi processi di modernizzazione»..
Federalismo: per servizi migliori.
«La prendiamo noi in mano questa bandiera of federalism, but in our key objectives to achieve new progress in services. "
The UDC is said opposition .
The UDC defines the opposition and the new olive must speak with all the opposition forces ... But this alliance, first of all you should give it to Italy, we must break the glass ceiling in politics and society, it's up to us to open a gap. "
Talk king of mess is to damage.
"The electoral law is central: how to choose the 35-36% of votes, to take all including a majority in the Chambers met to elect a head of state. We are talking about this stuff here. When we make too much sophistry, "the transitional government, yes, but ..." try to understand what is at stake. If we spread the idea that there is an invincible yearning for the mess, to compromise, we do damage. "
tax reforms, highlight the point.
The tax reform is "an urgency, a highlight of our operation," while the government had "done nothing". Compared with the center-left governments, "perhaps we had not drawn a line rather clear in its communication, that everything must be reflected in what you take from escaping in mobility. And then there is work, reduce the workload of the company, the family with children. "
Immigration: fairness and rationality.
"We must find an idea that does not swing, do not want to be good but rational. A country that wants to grow must have a quota of immigrants. The phenomenon has benefits but also problems and discord. It is possible that the benefits should be all on one side and all the disorders of the low-end population. If you can not get a poor man who pays another poor. We must have a project that has humanity, fairness and rationality. "
We are a party, not a union.
"I do not want to pass the idea that the Democratic Party is with this or that. We are a party, not a union. " The Secretary expressed his solidarity Bonanni and CISL ("Do not tolerate aggression"), but with equal clarity explains how the Democratic Party is not the same in any unions.
In turn there is fear of the dossier. I have none.
"If there are files around I do not know, but there fear around, I did not, but there is fear around, not only in Rome, a fear that goes down through the branches. "
transitional government.
"We are ready for a transitional government that changed the electoral law and so that we can go to elections, looking forward and not traccheggiando. For this we must turn to all the forces involved in securing the Italian democracy "
Berlusconi, most dangerous phase.
Enough, says Bersani, "sophistry", there is a risk of a 'plebiscite results' and stop the Democratic Party should be ready for an "alliance for democracy" by "those around us." And he warns: Silvio Berlusconi 'relaunch, perhaps up to topple some of our constitutional pillar, it will be a gala dinner. We are not over Berlusconi, we are the second time and is the most dangerous phase. It will not go drinking a cup of tea, but prefer to "die with all the Philistines Samson" "
Party talk about himself.
"The newspapers are filled with a party of chattering to itself rather than a problem in Italy is full."
The PD is not enough "respect", it will be soon but as long as "we respect between us." The Secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani said the final report by opening the Democratic National Assembly: "It was a good meeting, we have a nice party. If they convince you. Of course, we are not respected enough, do not respect us enough friends, enemies ... it says about us all, I wake up in the morning and learned that I have done things that I've never even thought of. But I guarantee you we'll get there 'than I am, calmly and plaster, will respect us. " "The only condition - warning - is that there respect us. If we respect we are sure they will respect us. And here we met .