Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dengue Fever More Condition_symptoms

Elections! And God send us good. Snout

North Africa in flames. Egypt has always been crucial to the balance of the country calls into question decades of forced stability. Tunisia with the same goals forces Ben Ali to escape but unseemly very providential (?). Merkel, Sarkozy and Cameron Mubarazk ask for''at all costs avoid the use of violence against unarmed civilians.'' In particular, Cameron elefonato to Mubarak, urging him to develop a legitimacy'''''democratic''in his country and to accelerate political reforms and to''appoint''a government that includes all the forces who has the credibility to implement this agenda.''
Our country, for decades, as a "gateway to Europe", has played a key role in foreign policy is silent with regard to these realities. Tace with a deafening silence. Foreign Minister Frattini has after years of absence in Senato per parlare della casa di Montecarlo del duo Tulliani/Fini .
Quali possano essere sullo scacchiere internazionale le risultanze di quanto avviene nei paesi nordafricani non sono ipotizzabili. Le diplomazie, da quella americana in giù, sono in fibrillazione e qui discutiamo della cucina Scavolini e di altri cazzi di questa “dimensione” ? .
In soprannumero , quindi, al fatto che, mentre l’Italia affonda, il sultano si occupa esclusivamente di mettere a posto le beghe del suo harem , utilizzando allo scopo tutti i nostri dipendenti ( perché fintanto sono pagati di tasca nostra tali sono) abbiamo abbandonato anche quel minimo sindacale di ruolo che ci compete nella politica estera.
E ci meravigliamo, perhaps the only institution that still stands among the populace is the President of the Republic? Then
enough! We demand that the President does what Scalfari forward in his today's article.
Take note, after the social forces, which in this country Government no longer exists. Thaw Chambers and really go before the only court that no one can avoid, even with the artifices of the various regime Ghedini, ovverossia the people.
And God send us good (which is pronounced by those who do not believer is all
say .... )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cervix High And Bloody Cm Before Period

Freedom or license?

"Is it not true that democracy is a good aim, and that it is the inordinate desire of this good to bring it to destruction?"
"And what do you think is the good that it seeks ?
"Freedom - I answered. Why in a democracy if you really saying that their freedom is regarded as the most precious thing, and that therefore a free man by nature could only choose this state as his residence. "
"For example, the father learned to put on a par with a young and afraid of their children, and also the figlio si sente sullo stesso piano del padre, non avendo nei riguardi dei suoi genitori nessun rispetto né timore; e tutto ciò in quanto vuol essere un uomo libero. E pure un meteco vorrà avere i medesimi diritti di un cittadino, e un cittadino di un meteco, e lo stesso vale per lo straniero».
«In un tale ambiente il maestro ha paura degli allievi e se li tiene buoni. Da parte loro gli scolari non tengono in nessun conto i maestri, e così pure i pedagoghi. Insomma, i giovani si danno le arie da uomini maturi e hanno sempre da ridire a parole e a fatti. Gli uomini maturi, invece, vogliono portarsi al livello dei giovani e così fanno sfoggio di atteggiamenti spigliati e scherzosi, to imitate them and not to go to scorbutic and authoritarian. "

Plato Republic, Book VIII, 562c, 563rd

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Castor Oil For Blockage

Each is beautiful in Figs soy

Roberto Saviano dedicated to the Milan magistrates upon receiving an honorary degree.
Marina Berlusconi: Horror!
Horror as what we have tried all these years when the August parent has gone mad, in every sense, in the country?
Horror as what we have tried to read the details of the feasts of Arcore?
Horror as what we feel every time we see a decrepit old man play the role Tombeur de femme a thousand euro a pop?
Horror as what we have tried not to hear a word from the family of sex addicts except for Veronica, who had warned us?
Horror as what we feel looking back a few months ago when the girl claimed to be "deeply proud daughter of a father who has values \u200b\u200band that sent me"?
Horror as what you try to think that: can not arise from a pear an apple ...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dora The Explorer Backpack Sewing Pattern

Mirafiori and Berlusconi


FIRST arithmetic. At Mirafiori voted 94 per cent of employees, 5136, including 441 employees, foremen and foremen. The blue-collar, ie the workers themselves, were thus in round numbers 4,660. The "yes" to the Agreement were 54 percent and "no" to 46 cento.Al net-collar vote 'yes' won by 9 votes, two of which were contested. Marchionne had said that to get ahead was to have at least 51 percent. With the votes of white-collar workers had it, but without that vote no, he had 50 votes more than nine (or seven), increasing to 51 to 41 are missing voti.Questa is arithmetic, which of course does not say everything but says enough. He says that the situation of Mirafiori that emerges from this vote will very unmanageable particularly considering that a substantial proportion of "yes" very reluctantly voted for, and many have explicitly dichiarato.Ed now a first question that, in addition to Marchionne, the leaders should meet CISL, UIL and the other signatories Agreement: it is possible that in these conditions, 49.91 percent of workers at Mirafiori has no representation? On the basis of a referendum in 1995 in fact - reaffirmed in the Fiat-CISL-UIL and others - the representation is given only to trade unions that signed the agreement, but their delegates will not be elected by employees, will be "appointed" by the unions
firmatari.Avete understand? Appointed. Just as with Members appointed by the parties with the electoral law called "porcellum" crap by its author, the League's Calderoli, now surrounded by a general and disistima.La bipartisan "crap" representation at Mirafiori excluding rather than including, in order, the I repeat, as determined by trade union agreements in force, but it is blatantly contrary to common sense and the role of effective representation. Disqualifies half of the employees to the role of "dead souls" made famous by Gogol and consistent practice in the countryside of Czarist Russia until the revolution of 1905. It can be taken in Fiat in 2011? A few more numbers. The workers at Mirafiori Fiom are six hundred members, those not members of any union are more than duemila.Sommandoli together, workers who have no representation will be nothing short of 2600 a total of five. It can be deduced on the basis of the numbers that the absolute majority of workers largely Mirafiori and Angeletti rappresentata.Bonanni not believe that such a situation is acceptable for real union, not degrade them objectively to unionists "yellow"?
a task of utmost importance in this whole affair and its consequences near and far should be vested in those who govern the country and "primarily" to the President of the Council. Which however, at this very hour, is busy on another matter: Ruby-Heartbreaker e la Procura di Milano che l'ha convocato per il 21 gennaio chiedendo al Tribunale di poter procedere con il rito abbreviato perché gli indizi di prova dei quali già dispone sono tali e tanti da ritenere già chiusa la fase istruttoria salvo gli ultimi interrogatori mancanti.Non entriamo qui nel merito dei fatti, sono già stati descritti ieri su queste pagine da Giuseppe D'Avanzo con una completezza che non ha bisogno di ulteriori approfondimenti. Ma c'è un punto che merita riflessione e risposta al coro orchestrato dai sodali del premier sotto inchiesta. Costoro sostengono (e l'ha sostenuto ieri con un apposito comunicato lo stesso premier) che la Procura milanese è entrata a piedi uniti nella privatezza di persone perbene e questo sarebbe un inaccettabile abuse, which invalidates the constitutional order and should be severely blocked punito.La reflection is as follows: The crime, any crime, concerns the intimacy and privacy of individuals. A person kills another, or robbery, or robs, or fraud, or rape. How are these acts? In the dark, in a house in a deserted street, in the intimacy of the relationship. When the magistrate investigating reports of a criminal investigation and opens up that hypothesis, it must inevitably act on the privacy of individuals, families, workplaces suspected. The criminal investigations cover those places and people, wherever they work. You should keep in mind here that the prime minister and his disregards turibolanti same. And if the suspect is also of public roles, there are obvious effects, but the investigation and trial are held in the private context where criminal acts were committed. Who believes these subversive ways forward, in fact considers subversive justice and the judiciary as a whole. That is very serious and, yes, subversive.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Josh Hutcherson Blue Boxer

(AGI) - Washington, 3 gen. - Si puo' iniziare a essere obesi anche prima di avere compiuto il primo anno di vita. Precisamente quando si hanno 9 mesi. E' quanto ha riferito un gruppo di ricercatori dell'Universita'
del Michigan in uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista 'American Journal of Health Promotion'. Per arrivare a queste conclusioni i ricercatori hanno usato i dati dell'Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort, un campione nazionale rappresentativo dei bambini americani nati nel 2011.
I dati analizzati vanno dall'altezza al peso fino alle caratteristiche demografiche di 8.900 bimbi di 9 mesi e di 7.500 di due anni d'eta'.
Ebbene, dai risultati e' emerso che del campione analizzato il 32 per cento era obeso o a rischio sovrappeso gia' al nono month of life.
rising to 34 percent in the second year di'eta '. -