It always comes back on the same things (or, "Musil to" return the same things). The recent case of Sanaa Dafani , the eighteen year old Moroccan girl probably murdered by her father because he did not accept his living with an Italian boy (but it is not clear if he does not accept the fact of living or the fact that the partner was an Italian), returns to the center of philosophical and social status of women and the difficult the issue of gender violence. The media have already prepared the analogy with the "case" Hina Saleem, a Pakistani girl murdered by the clan family in Brescia since he wanted to live "Western", against the advice of his relatives.
these topics had already talked about the human condition, starting with my students in social science a debate from an article and Kureishi's book by Susan Moller Okin Women's rights and multiculturalism, and in particular the essay "Multiculturalism is
bad for women?". The Okin pursues women, in particular the movements for the rights of women to ask themselves this question: who foots the bill of cultural integration? And unfortunately the answer is always the same: they pay the most vulnerable in every sector of the cultural mosaic, or the children or, as in this case, young women. This is because children, as parties to the process of socialization and women as primarily responsible for the material reproduction of the group, are in fact the true subject of every strong community. Bambini e donne rappresentano la speranza, il futuro, la possibilità di rigenerazione, ma, al tempo stesso, anche la conservazione e la tradizione. Perciò essi sono rivendicati come "proprietà", quindi spesso con furore dalla comunità di appartenenza, la quale invoca ogni volta parole come identità , tradizione , cultura per giustificare tale esclusiva proprietaria.
Il fatto è che ogni cultura, ogni rivendicazione identitaria, ogni gesto con cui si rivendica l'appartenenza a una comunità è potenzialmente violento e generatore di violenza. Come scrive Francesco Remotti in Contro l'identità "l'identità non inerisce essence of an object, however, depends on our decisions "( Against Identity , p. 5). Not only in a modern society (as they believe the community) but in any society we have decide what identity : it is not an essence fixed once and for all. We organize our identity, and decostruiamo build, invent and reinvent the, form, and the continuous deformation. It is not easy to transfer to a conventional ( as do many anthropologists and even the same Remotti) or, as we say nowadays often inappropriately, to a comfortable cultural relativism, which means that each building or deconstructing the self ritagliandoselo between circumstances, opportunities, situations, opportunities (a sort of self multiform or information, or "liquid" in the terminology now a bit 'worn by Bauman). The fact that you do not want to accept is that the ' identity is a process, it is basically another report and recognition capabilities. No culture, no conception of community that has closed in on itself will never delete this "made the difference." And if you want to delete it, the only means by which it may have will be violence, terror, humiliation, in Sanaa and Hina are unfortunately only the most extreme cases, for women, for young people because "integrated" therefore predestined victims of rabid obsession for identity and ideology of exclusive possession which is not foreign to any "tradition". The effort that must be done to prevent the recurrence of such cases is to break the obsession and ideology, not only with the repressive instruments of the law but also through dialogue, confrontation, the reconstitution of a web of rules and values. In order for a father (or husband) should no longer feel lost, "thrown" into a situation anomic, with no reference points, if he loses the affection (or unconditional devotion) of a daughter (or wife), so a daughter (or wife) should no longer fear for their lives as a result of its free individual choices, so that each word an individual can feel accepted, understood, loved, and especially for his choices, for that identity that we build with others.
- daughter killed because he lived with an Italian (Courier);
- The tragedy of Sanaa's mother (Gazzettino);
- The father master (Republic);
- Sanaa as Hina, two lives cut short (Sky);
- Minister Carfagna in a civil trial for the murder of Sanaa (ANSA).
these topics had already talked about the human condition, starting with my students in social science a debate from an article and Kureishi's book by Susan Moller Okin Women's rights and multiculturalism, and in particular the essay "Multiculturalism is

Il fatto è che ogni cultura, ogni rivendicazione identitaria, ogni gesto con cui si rivendica l'appartenenza a una comunità è potenzialmente violento e generatore di violenza. Come scrive Francesco Remotti in Contro l'identità "l'identità non inerisce essence of an object, however, depends on our decisions "( Against Identity , p. 5). Not only in a modern society (as they believe the community) but in any society we have decide what identity : it is not an essence fixed once and for all. We organize our identity, and decostruiamo build, invent and reinvent the, form, and the continuous deformation. It is not easy to transfer to a conventional ( as do many anthropologists and even the same Remotti) or, as we say nowadays often inappropriately, to a comfortable cultural relativism, which means that each building or deconstructing the self ritagliandoselo between circumstances, opportunities, situations, opportunities (a sort of self multiform or information, or "liquid" in the terminology now a bit 'worn by Bauman). The fact that you do not want to accept is that the ' identity is a process, it is basically another report and recognition capabilities. No culture, no conception of community that has closed in on itself will never delete this "made the difference." And if you want to delete it, the only means by which it may have will be violence, terror, humiliation, in Sanaa and Hina are unfortunately only the most extreme cases, for women, for young people because "integrated" therefore predestined victims of rabid obsession for identity and ideology of exclusive possession which is not foreign to any "tradition". The effort that must be done to prevent the recurrence of such cases is to break the obsession and ideology, not only with the repressive instruments of the law but also through dialogue, confrontation, the reconstitution of a web of rules and values. In order for a father (or husband) should no longer feel lost, "thrown" into a situation anomic, with no reference points, if he loses the affection (or unconditional devotion) of a daughter (or wife), so a daughter (or wife) should no longer fear for their lives as a result of its free individual choices, so that each word an individual can feel accepted, understood, loved, and especially for his choices, for that identity that we build with others.
- daughter killed because he lived with an Italian (Courier);
- The tragedy of Sanaa's mother (Gazzettino);
- The father master (Republic);
- Sanaa as Hina, two lives cut short (Sky);
- Minister Carfagna in a civil trial for the murder of Sanaa (ANSA).

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