Monday, January 25, 2010

Gatorade Atrial Fibrillation

Mandiamoli home!

Dal sito Vibrisse di Giulio Mozzi, un documento ideato da Andrea Civati con la collaborazione di Giuseppe Civati, Ilda Curti, Ernesto Ruffini, Roberto Tricarico. "Mandiamoli a casa!" è un repertorio di luoghi comuni, stereotipi, pregiudizi e credenze varie sull'immigrazione in Italia, puntualmente smontati in base a dati oggettivi tratti da fonti istituzionali (Istat, Censis, Banca d'Italia, Ministeri, Assessorati, ecc.). Certo, non è facile dismantle beliefs and mental constructs "rigid" as ethnic prejudice and tables with data, because such beliefs are notoriously impervious to rational argument. However, the information reported is useful to anyone wishing to know more exactly how things are about foreigners in Italy. I will mention a few, for inspiring reading PDF:
- foreigners in Italy are less than five million and is the largest community Romanian (Europeans) and then mostly Christian, and non-Muslims;
- most of illegal immigrants are Asians but not Africans, immigrants are not born but becomes;
- contrary to popular belief in many Islamic countries are Catholic churches. The only country that has explicitly prohibited the building of churches is Saudi Arabia;
- 72% of foreign workers held low-skilled and manual jobs and only 27% work in areas most qualified, while only among the Italians 37% perform manual work;
- you can not establish a causal link between increased crime and migration: the strong presence of immigrants in prisons is also due to the non-application of alternative measures.
There are many other useful things, but I'll leave the reading of those concerned.


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