LONDON, 22 GEN/2010 - The lifestyle of children, who now spend more time at home in front of the PC rather than in the open air, has caused a disturbing return of rickets in Britain : widespread disease Victorian age, but thanks to the economic development of the country, it was almost extinct. Fifty years ago, rickets was still very common in most bands 'poor population, since' the disease is often caused by malnutrition and too much time spent indoors. Exposure to the sun, in fact, it is crucial to stimulate the body to produce vitamin D, essential for the healthy growth of children and regular. According to a recent study by two researchers at Newcastle University,''the British Medical Journal'', the hours children spend in front of the computer screen or some video games are not only harmful to the brain, but are harmful to their growth and in some cases can lead to painful leg strain. The two scholars, Simon Pearce and Tim Cheetham, announced that cases of rickets are increasing''in an extremely worrying.'' ''The kids prefer to play computer games rather that outdoor fun, and it is very harmful to their health,''Pearce writes on medical journal. ''Bowed legs and abnormal growth are widespread problems in poor and underdeveloped countries, or even Victorian age, but it is unacceptable that occur in modern Britain for the 21st century.''
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