Friday, April 30, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Nikon Versus Zeiss Monocular Reviews
Thanks Paul ...
When we started this blog we have taken a personal commitment: that of "no comment on the comments." Today we break this rule, and Paul and all those who think like him, we dedicate this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55yCQOioTyY
Hello Paul a big hug to you and all those who do not consider April 25 a holiday like many others.
When we started this blog we have taken a personal commitment: that of "no comment on the comments." Today we break this rule, and Paul and all those who think like him, we dedicate this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55yCQOioTyY
Hello Paul a big hug to you and all those who do not consider April 25 a holiday like many others.
Genital Acne Medications To Prevent
Liberation Day, the feast of all

piangetemi not, do not call me poor. I'm dying for having served an idea. (Words written with the tip of a pin, on the cover of a Bible, found near the place where he was shot)
William Jervis (engineer of 42 years)
William Jervis (engineer of 42 years)
My darling Pally, are the last moments of my life. Pally adored you say goodbye and kisses to you all what I remember. Believe me I've never done anything that might offend our name. I heard the call of the Fatherland for which I fought, I'm here now ... I will not be soon, I die sure I did what I could so that freedom trionfasse.Baci and kisses from your and your PaggettoIrma.Ps I want to be buried in Sestola.
Here they are, the last words of men and women who died during the resistance. Young Italian who fought for Italy could go free, fought not only for his own destiny, but also for that of their country. A sacrifice that we remember today, more than ever. To them we owe the birth of our institutions democratiche.Occorre remind the mayor of Montichiari who recently rejected the availability of a town square to celebrate the April 25 Democratic Party, a right enshrined in our Constitution. The mayor of Mogliano Veneto, however, had placed a ban on the town band to play "Hello Beautiful", on the occasion of the celebrations for the Liberation Council, however, the hymn to the Piave. Complain about the ANPI, Recalling that "Hello Beautiful" is a "song of all." The decision was then revoked and declassified a "misunderstanding" after the controversy unleashed. Behind these actions there is a clear intention to delete and oscurale a memory that must be, however, considered the common heritage of our entire country. Values \u200b\u200bthat underlie our Constitution.
A value, which seems to be, thankfully, still present in many children, given that in 2009 the ANPI has reached 110,000 members, a boom due to a massive entry of children under the age of 30, convinced to contribute to the same cause of those who then chose to fight to bring democracy and freedom in Italy. Today, compared to 10% of members over 80 is 10% of students aged 18 to 35 years, a revolution made possible by the new registry statute from 2006 has opened the doors of the NPC declares to anyone who subscribes to and be "fascist." An amendment to the statutes implemented because, explains Silvia Sarti, 84 year old hero of the Resistance and president of the Florence of Florence: "We fought for the values \u200b\u200bthat all men have it, and who defend it at all, at any age, who associated with the NPC, just like the Constitution and wants to defend it. And who should go down in the first place if not for young people with good legs? "
Friday, April 16, 2010
Mount And Blade 1.011 Hire Problem
Try to eat 5 times a day
(breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner)
Breakfast: coffee or tea, bitter, or 1 teaspoon sweetener sugar, plus 150 g (one glass) of semi-skimmed milk or whole milk 100g or 125 ml yogurt, even the fruit most 2-3 pieces of baked goods (like biscuits).
Dressing: 4 teaspoons of olive oil in all (each teaspoon is 5 g) + 1 teaspoon of corn oil every now and then you can substitute 1 / or 2 teaspoons of oil with the same amount of another condiment like butter or mayonnaise or pesto or cream or pink sauce.
Drinks: at least one and a half liters of water per day you can drink up to 3 or 3 tea coffee per day.
Seasonal Fruit: 3 servings per day (each is 150 g) can be enjoyed anytime. If you prefer, eat 2 fruit plus 125 ml of yogurt. Eat colorful!
Vegetables: of any kind, as much as you want, anytime of the day. Eat colorful!
morning snack and afternoon snack in the afternoon, you can eat 30 grams of bread or bread with a yogurt or a snack of 100-110 calories.
Pasta and bread every day you can eat 60-70 grams of bread or pasta or rice or cereal grains or flour, or 200 g of potatoes or potato dumplings. You can also prepare sandwiches (eg with 70 g of bread plus 60 g of ham, or 70 g of mozzarella and vegetables to taste), and main dishes (eg pasta with 70 g and 60 g of dried beans, or with 70 g of rice and 150 g of fish).
Fish (3 times / week): 150 g of fish of all types, except for those in oil or smoked.
Meat (3 times / week): 120 g of meat of any kind (better to prefer white meat) before cooking you have to remove the visible fat.
Cheese (3 times / week): 80 g if it is fresh (like growth), 40 g cheese or blue cheese if (grain, gorgonzola).
Eggs (1 time / week): one serving equals two eggs; cucinale as you like (watch out, as always, do not overdo the oil).
Meats (2 times / wk): 60 g. Choose lean meats or sgrassabili such as dried beef, bacon, ham and cooked.
Vegetables (2 times / wk): 60 g of beans, chickpeas, peas, soybeans, etc., if they are dry and 150 g when fresh, frozen, cooked or canned.

Try to eat 5 times a day
(breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner)
Breakfast: coffee or tea, bitter, or 1 teaspoon sweetener sugar, plus 150 g (one glass) of semi-skimmed milk or whole milk 100g or 125 ml yogurt, even the fruit most 2-3 pieces of baked goods (like biscuits).
Dressing: 4 teaspoons of olive oil in all (each teaspoon is 5 g) + 1 teaspoon of corn oil every now and then you can substitute 1 / or 2 teaspoons of oil with the same amount of another condiment like butter or mayonnaise or pesto or cream or pink sauce.
Drinks: at least one and a half liters of water per day you can drink up to 3 or 3 tea coffee per day.
Seasonal Fruit: 3 servings per day (each is 150 g) can be enjoyed anytime. If you prefer, eat 2 fruit plus 125 ml of yogurt. Eat colorful!
Vegetables: of any kind, as much as you want, anytime of the day. Eat colorful!
morning snack and afternoon snack in the afternoon, you can eat 30 grams of bread or bread with a yogurt or a snack of 100-110 calories.
Pasta and bread every day you can eat 60-70 grams of bread or pasta or rice or cereal grains or flour, or 200 g of potatoes or potato dumplings. You can also prepare sandwiches (eg with 70 g of bread plus 60 g of ham, or 70 g of mozzarella and vegetables to taste), and main dishes (eg pasta with 70 g and 60 g of dried beans, or with 70 g of rice and 150 g of fish).
Fish (3 times / week): 150 g of fish of all types, except for those in oil or smoked.
Meat (3 times / week): 120 g of meat of any kind (better to prefer white meat) before cooking you have to remove the visible fat.
Cheese (3 times / week): 80 g if it is fresh (like growth), 40 g cheese or blue cheese if (grain, gorgonzola).
Eggs (1 time / week): one serving equals two eggs; cucinale as you like (watch out, as always, do not overdo the oil).
Meats (2 times / wk): 60 g. Choose lean meats or sgrassabili such as dried beef, bacon, ham and cooked.
Vegetables (2 times / wk): 60 g of beans, chickpeas, peas, soybeans, etc., if they are dry and 150 g when fresh, frozen, cooked or canned.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Pali Overnight Adventures Rate
Hunger increases when there is no negative educational impact sleep
If you do not get enough sleep are likely to eat more. The indication comes from a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the results reinforce previous evidence that sleep affects the neurophysiological mechanisms that regulate feelings of hunger and energy balance. The new survey, in which they were involved 22 healthy individuals (average age: 22 / - 3 years, BMI: 22.30 / - 1.83 kg / sqm), has planned two sessions lasting 48 hours. During the first night of each session, the participants slept for eight hours (from midnight to 8) or four hours (from 2 to 6). Bread with butter and jam for breakfast, buffet lunch and dinner menu are free, therefore, been made available to participants who were able to consume without any restrictions. At this point were measured: physical activity, sense of hunger and satiety, desire for specific foods and feeling sleepy. Than those who slept eight hours, those with only 4 hours of sleep have introduced 22% more calories, a day after the restriction, and they came with the hungry at breakfast and dinner. Although sleep deprivation has led to an increase in physical activity, the difference more marked than those who slept more, were found the greatest feeling sleepy. "Measurements of energy expenditure in the long term, will help to clarify whether the lack of sleep can be considered a risk factor for obesity" the authors conclude.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Mar 31. [Epub ahead of print]
Acute partial sleep deprivation Increases food intake in healthy men.
Brondel L, Romer MA, Nougués PM Touyarou P Davenne D.
Centre Européen des Sciences du Goût Dijon Cedex France.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Acute partial sleep deprivation Increases Plasma Concentrations of ghrelin and decreases leptin Those of. OBJECTIVE: The Object Was to observe Modifications in energy intake and physical activity after acute partial sleep deprivation in healthy men. DESIGN: Twelve men [age: 22 +/- 3 y; body mass index (in kg/m(2)): 22.30 +/- 1.83] completed a randomized 2-condition crossover study. During the first night of each 48-h session, subjects had either approximately 8 h (from midnight to 0800) or approximately 4 h (from 0200 to 0600) of sleep. All foods consumed subsequently (jam on buttered toast for breakfast, buffet for lunch, and a free menu for dinner) were eaten ad libitum. Physical activity was recorded by an actimeter. Feelings of hunger, perceived pleasantness of the foods, desire to eat some foods, and sensation of sleepiness were also evaluated. RESULTS: In comparison with the 8-h sleep session, subjects consumed 559 +/- 617 kcal (ie, 22%) more energy on the day after sleep restriction (P < 0.01), and preprandial hunger was higher before breakfast (P < 0.001) and dinner (P < 0.05). No change in the perceived pleasantness of the foods or in the desire to eat the foods was observed. Physical activity from 1215 to 2015 was higher after sleep restriction than after 8 h of sleep (P < 0.01), even though the sensation of sleepiness was more marked (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: One night of reduced sleep subsequently increased food intake and, to a lesser extent, estimated physical activity-related energy expenditure in healthy men. These experimental results, if confirmed by long-term energy balance measurements, suggest that sleep restriction could be a factor that promotes obesity. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00986492.

If you do not get enough sleep are likely to eat more. The indication comes from a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the results reinforce previous evidence that sleep affects the neurophysiological mechanisms that regulate feelings of hunger and energy balance. The new survey, in which they were involved 22 healthy individuals (average age: 22 / - 3 years, BMI: 22.30 / - 1.83 kg / sqm), has planned two sessions lasting 48 hours. During the first night of each session, the participants slept for eight hours (from midnight to 8) or four hours (from 2 to 6). Bread with butter and jam for breakfast, buffet lunch and dinner menu are free, therefore, been made available to participants who were able to consume without any restrictions. At this point were measured: physical activity, sense of hunger and satiety, desire for specific foods and feeling sleepy. Than those who slept eight hours, those with only 4 hours of sleep have introduced 22% more calories, a day after the restriction, and they came with the hungry at breakfast and dinner. Although sleep deprivation has led to an increase in physical activity, the difference more marked than those who slept more, were found the greatest feeling sleepy. "Measurements of energy expenditure in the long term, will help to clarify whether the lack of sleep can be considered a risk factor for obesity" the authors conclude.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Mar 31. [Epub ahead of print]
Acute partial sleep deprivation Increases food intake in healthy men.
Brondel L, Romer MA, Nougués PM Touyarou P Davenne D.
Centre Européen des Sciences du Goût Dijon Cedex France.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Acute partial sleep deprivation Increases Plasma Concentrations of ghrelin and decreases leptin Those of. OBJECTIVE: The Object Was to observe Modifications in energy intake and physical activity after acute partial sleep deprivation in healthy men. DESIGN: Twelve men [age: 22 +/- 3 y; body mass index (in kg/m(2)): 22.30 +/- 1.83] completed a randomized 2-condition crossover study. During the first night of each 48-h session, subjects had either approximately 8 h (from midnight to 0800) or approximately 4 h (from 0200 to 0600) of sleep. All foods consumed subsequently (jam on buttered toast for breakfast, buffet for lunch, and a free menu for dinner) were eaten ad libitum. Physical activity was recorded by an actimeter. Feelings of hunger, perceived pleasantness of the foods, desire to eat some foods, and sensation of sleepiness were also evaluated. RESULTS: In comparison with the 8-h sleep session, subjects consumed 559 +/- 617 kcal (ie, 22%) more energy on the day after sleep restriction (P < 0.01), and preprandial hunger was higher before breakfast (P < 0.001) and dinner (P < 0.05). No change in the perceived pleasantness of the foods or in the desire to eat the foods was observed. Physical activity from 1215 to 2015 was higher after sleep restriction than after 8 h of sleep (P < 0.01), even though the sensation of sleepiness was more marked (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: One night of reduced sleep subsequently increased food intake and, to a lesser extent, estimated physical activity-related energy expenditure in healthy men. These experimental results, if confirmed by long-term energy balance measurements, suggest that sleep restriction could be a factor that promotes obesity. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00986492.
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