piangetemi not, do not call me poor. I'm dying for having served an idea. (Words written with the tip of a pin, on the cover of a Bible, found near the place where he was shot)
William Jervis (engineer of 42 years)
William Jervis (engineer of 42 years)
My darling Pally, are the last moments of my life. Pally adored you say goodbye and kisses to you all what I remember. Believe me I've never done anything that might offend our name. I heard the call of the Fatherland for which I fought, I'm here now ... I will not be soon, I die sure I did what I could so that freedom trionfasse.Baci and kisses from your and your PaggettoIrma.Ps I want to be buried in Sestola.
Here they are, the last words of men and women who died during the resistance. Young Italian who fought for Italy could go free, fought not only for his own destiny, but also for that of their country. A sacrifice that we remember today, more than ever. To them we owe the birth of our institutions democratiche.Occorre remind the mayor of Montichiari who recently rejected the availability of a town square to celebrate the April 25 Democratic Party, a right enshrined in our Constitution. The mayor of Mogliano Veneto, however, had placed a ban on the town band to play "Hello Beautiful", on the occasion of the celebrations for the Liberation Council, however, the hymn to the Piave. Complain about the ANPI, Recalling that "Hello Beautiful" is a "song of all." The decision was then revoked and declassified a "misunderstanding" after the controversy unleashed. Behind these actions there is a clear intention to delete and oscurale a memory that must be, however, considered the common heritage of our entire country. Values \u200b\u200bthat underlie our Constitution.
A value, which seems to be, thankfully, still present in many children, given that in 2009 the ANPI has reached 110,000 members, a boom due to a massive entry of children under the age of 30, convinced to contribute to the same cause of those who then chose to fight to bring democracy and freedom in Italy. Today, compared to 10% of members over 80 is 10% of students aged 18 to 35 years, a revolution made possible by the new registry statute from 2006 has opened the doors of the NPC declares to anyone who subscribes to and be "fascist." An amendment to the statutes implemented because, explains Silvia Sarti, 84 year old hero of the Resistance and president of the Florence of Florence: "We fought for the values \u200b\u200bthat all men have it, and who defend it at all, at any age, who associated with the NPC, just like the Constitution and wants to defend it. And who should go down in the first place if not for young people with good legs? "
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