Wednesday and Thursday, 26-27 May 2010, at 08:30 to 17:00
Palazzo Marini - Conference Room
Via del Pozzetto, 158
CME for categories:
- Surgeon (9 credits)
- Nutritionist (8 credits)
In ECM Accreditation Categories:
- Vet
- Nurse
L 'Association Dossetti has always been attentive to issues concerning public health, in collaboration with the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, on 26 and 27 May organize, in the prestigious Conference Room of Palazzo Marino, the conference "Youth and Power: Let's move!
aim of the event is to direct the attention of medical personnel, representatives of institutions and members of the research, the need to devise and carry out nutrition education programs since the early years of children's lives.
You can not, in fact, unaware that the diseases associated with them (cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer) only cost for hospitalization and medical treatment each year in Italy, some 23 billion euros. In addition, you die of obesity: nearly 400 people every 100 thousand inhabitants each year. Being able to find a way to resolving what may be called a real social emergency would result in huge savings.
savings in terms of suffering, saving lives and, not least, reduce the tax burden for the NHS, which could redistribute that capital in other sectors. What worries most is the fact that obesity is increasing particularly among the young, in every nation, with few exceptions. As highlighted in the document "Healthy growth and nutrition in children," 10% of children aged 5 to 17 years are overweight and 2.3% are obese. The rate of pediatric obesity is about 30% in America and 20% in Europe. Childhood obesity is the most common nutritional disorder in Western countries, which must necessarily be placed between the agenda of decision makers in all countries.
So let's move: move!
This is also the warning that America is directed by Michelle Obama, words that testify to the need to act immediately, with a sharp change of direction: to become aware that overweight and obesity are diseases become real social emergencies.
enough to speak only of the cult of body and beauty.
Healing is not easy, but it would be a major success if everyone understood that there is only one solution, represented by shares in the prevention of harmful behaviors and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
To this end, we propose anche di far emergere luci ed ombre delle iniziative portate avanti per contrastare tale fenomeno, attraverso un serio confronto con i principali attori pubblici e privati.
In quest’ottica l’Associazione è lieta di aver trovato un qualificato partner nel Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, un centro di pensiero e proposte dall’approccio multidisciplinare, che si propone di dare ascolto alle esigenze attuali ed emergenti della società sui temi legati al mondo della nutrizione e dell’alimentazione e raccogliere ed analizzare le esperienze, le conoscenze e le competenze più avanzate a livello mondiale.
Il Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, in tale ambito, si impegna a sviluppare e rendere disponibili, a tutti i maggiori opinion e decision maker, proposte e raccomandazioni al fine di favorire una vita migliore ed un benessere diffuso e sostenibile.
Se ci si ferma ad osservare la realtà contemporanea, si scorge, infatti, l’esistenza di un mondo a due facce, in cui da una parte crescono i poveri, dall’altra gli sprechi.
Così la popolazione mondiale deve affrontare la contraddizione di un contemporaneo aumento della fame e delle malattie croniche causate dalla sovralimentazione: fame nel mondo ed obesità sono quindi due facce della stessa medaglia.
Circa 200 milioni di bambini sotto i cinque anni soffrono di sintomi di denutrizione e tra questi 13 milioni muoiono ogni anno.
Dall’altra parte, however, obesity is configured as an epidemic that affects 300 million people around the world.
In light of these considerations, the Association "Giuseppe Dossetti: Values \u200b\u200b- Development and Protection of Rights", reflecting on such contradictions of our time, is committed to defending the right to food for all, a healthy food and quality , around which we can generate a fine balance between economic development, environmental protection and social cohesion. More information about