Rome. May 26 to 27. Conference "Youth and Power: Let's move! Diet
Wednesday and Thursday, 26-27 May 2010, at 08:30 to 17:00
Palazzo Marini - Conference Room
Via del Pozzetto, 158
CME for categories:
- Surgeon (9 credits)
- Nutritionist (8 credits)
In ECM Accreditation Categories:
- Vet
- Nurse
L 'Association Dossetti has always been attentive to issues concerning public health, in collaboration with the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, on 26 and 27 May organize, in the prestigious Conference Room of Palazzo Marino, the conference "Youth and Power: Let's move!
aim of the event is to direct the attention of medical personnel, representatives of institutions and members of the research, the need to devise and carry out nutrition education programs since the early years of children's lives.
You can not, in fact, unaware that the diseases associated with them (cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer) only cost for hospitalization and medical treatment each year in Italy, some 23 billion euros. In addition, you die of obesity: nearly 400 people every 100 thousand inhabitants each year. Being able to find a way to resolving what may be called a real social emergency would result in huge savings.
savings in terms of suffering, saving lives and, not least, reduce the tax burden for the NHS, which could redistribute that capital in other sectors. What worries most is the fact that obesity is increasing particularly among the young, in every nation, with few exceptions. As highlighted in the document "Healthy growth and nutrition in children," 10% of children aged 5 to 17 years are overweight and 2.3% are obese. The rate of pediatric obesity is about 30% in America and 20% in Europe. Childhood obesity is the most common nutritional disorder in Western countries, which must necessarily be placed between the agenda of decision makers in all countries.
So let's move: move!
This is also the warning that America is directed by Michelle Obama, words that testify to the need to act immediately, with a sharp change of direction: to become aware that overweight and obesity are diseases become real social emergencies.
enough to speak only of the cult of body and beauty.
Healing is not easy, but it would be a major success if everyone understood that there is only one solution, represented by shares in the prevention of harmful behaviors and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
To this end, we propose anche di far emergere luci ed ombre delle iniziative portate avanti per contrastare tale fenomeno, attraverso un serio confronto con i principali attori pubblici e privati.
In quest’ottica l’Associazione è lieta di aver trovato un qualificato partner nel Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, un centro di pensiero e proposte dall’approccio multidisciplinare, che si propone di dare ascolto alle esigenze attuali ed emergenti della società sui temi legati al mondo della nutrizione e dell’alimentazione e raccogliere ed analizzare le esperienze, le conoscenze e le competenze più avanzate a livello mondiale.
Il Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, in tale ambito, si impegna a sviluppare e rendere disponibili, a tutti i maggiori opinion e decision maker, proposte e raccomandazioni al fine di favorire una vita migliore ed un benessere diffuso e sostenibile.
Se ci si ferma ad osservare la realtà contemporanea, si scorge, infatti, l’esistenza di un mondo a due facce, in cui da una parte crescono i poveri, dall’altra gli sprechi.
Così la popolazione mondiale deve affrontare la contraddizione di un contemporaneo aumento della fame e delle malattie croniche causate dalla sovralimentazione: fame nel mondo ed obesità sono quindi due facce della stessa medaglia.
Circa 200 milioni di bambini sotto i cinque anni soffrono di sintomi di denutrizione e tra questi 13 milioni muoiono ogni anno.
Dall’altra parte, however, obesity is configured as an epidemic that affects 300 million people around the world.
In light of these considerations, the Association "Giuseppe Dossetti: Values \u200b\u200b- Development and Protection of Rights", reflecting on such contradictions of our time, is committed to defending the right to food for all, a healthy food and quality , around which we can generate a fine balance between economic development, environmental protection and social cohesion. More information about
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Do You Need To Be Hospitalized For Impetigo
Mourinho is an idiot. But who can say the same? Rocco Siffredi
Background: Pierluigi Bersani during the assembly of Democratic Party states:
"There are teachers who are in the suburbs of large cities, small towns, in places where lurks the degradation is stronger and school dropout. These are teachers who follow one by one the boys, making enormous sacrifices. These, for us, are heroes of modern times. I have to make out of this Assembly a heroic figure: that of the teachers who are chasing the social problems while Gelmini break my balls ". Virtually
be signed letter by letter or worse, if you shut up by the other party.
"There are teachers who are in the suburbs of large cities, small towns, in places where lurks the degradation is stronger and school dropout. These are teachers who follow one by one the boys, making enormous sacrifices. These, for us, are heroes of modern times. I have to make out of this Assembly a heroic figure: that of the teachers who are chasing the social problems while Gelmini break my balls ". Virtually
be signed letter by letter or worse, if you shut up by the other party.
But no! The rubble of the center rises a faint voice. Bertolaso \u200b\u200bto ask to help him?
will seek a bribe to rebuild some building speculators?
Guzzanti will ask to not make a movie?
Not at all!
He wants an apology from Bersani! Understood excuses!
But where the hell were these employees (as we called them the Fratoni to 5 stars) when their leader gave the "balls" to all those who do not voted?
yet to be linguists without a substantial difference between the claim that: You are a jerk "and say that: " You break my balls .
evident from parts of what remains of the center-lexical these distinctions are so thin that you can not just pluck them or maybe the opportunity for an appearance on the Sunday papers was too strong to resist and maintain a dignified silence.
is consoled by these people, today their sparata non se la incula proprio nessuno .
Tutti troppo impegnati a celebrare il Moratti , il Tronchetti e il Mourinho che davvero adesso può ribadire che ,come già affermato in passato,: “io non sono un pirla!”
But where the hell were these employees (as we called them the Fratoni to 5 stars) when their leader gave the "balls" to all those who do not voted?
yet to be linguists without a substantial difference between the claim that: You are a jerk "and say that: " You break my balls .
evident from parts of what remains of the center-lexical these distinctions are so thin that you can not just pluck them or maybe the opportunity for an appearance on the Sunday papers was too strong to resist and maintain a dignified silence.
is consoled by these people, today their sparata non se la incula proprio nessuno .
Tutti troppo impegnati a celebrare il Moratti , il Tronchetti e il Mourinho che davvero adesso può ribadire che ,come già affermato in passato,: “io non sono un pirla!”
hissa se dopo questa vicenda anche altri possono dire altrettanto !
P.S. Affinchè le cose siano chiare precisiamo che siamo bianconeri fino alla radice dei capelli … nonostante ciò …
P.S. Affinchè le cose siano chiare precisiamo che siamo bianconeri fino alla radice dei capelli … nonostante ciò …
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Mysims Kingdom Ds Dream Card Mini Game
metabolic odor test and donkeys flying
According to the proponents of the diet is helpful to understand the metabolic intermediary metabolism, that is to burn the fundamental constituents of all foods: sugars, fats, proteins. All foods in our body undergo in fact a series of chemical transformations to be converted into energy within our cells. The biochemist George Watson discovered and studied the metabolic intermediate (1952 to 1972) and classified three types:
-epoxidic: a good person metabolizes fat, low protein, sugars better.
-Iperossidatore: a good person who does not metabolize sugars, not fat, more protein.
-Normossidatore means a person who does not have metabolic imbalances, and then metabolizes all three components of good food.
E ' molto importante per lo specialista conoscere il vostro metabolismo intermedio perché in caso di sovrappeso, basterà seguire uno schema libero dal calcolo delle calorie, che non prevede riduzioni drastiche di cibo, ma che si basa semplicemente di una giusta sequenza di alimenti nell'arco della giornata ed eliminazione di cibi mal utilizzati dal tipo metabolico da trattare.
Con una corretta dieta metabolica è possibile ottenere risultati sorprendenti, insperati e duraturi nel tempo, arrivando ad una regolarizzazione del metabolismo.
Arriva il meglio!
Per determinare il metabolismo intermedio esistono diversi test di laboratorio che vengono utilizzati anche per altri scopi: pH venoso, curva glicemica e mineralogramma. Esiste poi l’"Odor test" o test dell'olfatto, ideato dallo stesso Watson e si basa su alcuni fondamentali principi biochimici. La percezione di un determinato odore da parte di un soggetto dipende dalla velocità e dal rendimento dei suoi cicli metabolici che determinano variazioni del pH sanguigno che a sua volta influenza nettamente la percezione chimico-olfattiva.
Questo test consiste nel far odorare al paziente sei boccettine nel quale sono contenute sostanze vegetali e chimiche. L'Odor test fornisce il profilo dello stato nutrizionale del soggetto, che deriva dal contenuto di zuccheri, grassi e anidride carbonica nel suo sangue.
A livello statistico la possibilità di errore è meno di 1 su 1000.
Con l'Odor test è possibile individuare soggetti con:
• Metabolismo lento: ricavano energia dal metabolismo di grassi e proteine, mentre non metabolizzano gli zuccheri. Sono soggetti che tendono ad ingrassare facilmente e se perdono chili in eccesso li riprendono con facilità.
• Metabolismo veloce: bruciano velocemente gli zuccheri e quindi sono incapaci di ossidare completamente grassi e proteine. Sono soggetti che tendono ad ingrassare in modo accentuato arrivando all'obesità; anche la perdita di peso può essere veloce e duratura.
• Metabolismo neutro: i loro processi metabolici sono normali, ma potrebbero mancare delle necessarie quantità di nutrienti , vitamine e sali minerali per vivere in maniera ottimale. Il peso corporeo tende a rimanere costante.
Once tested and discovered the intermediary metabolism just follow a proper nutritional program and specific for each subject and a personal effort, it will resolve the problem of energy imbalance and nutritional, reaching a state of mental and physical best. How would
Toto: "But do me a pleasure!"
According to the proponents of the diet is helpful to understand the metabolic intermediary metabolism, that is to burn the fundamental constituents of all foods: sugars, fats, proteins. All foods in our body undergo in fact a series of chemical transformations to be converted into energy within our cells. The biochemist George Watson discovered and studied the metabolic intermediate (1952 to 1972) and classified three types:
-epoxidic: a good person metabolizes fat, low protein, sugars better.
-Iperossidatore: a good person who does not metabolize sugars, not fat, more protein.
-Normossidatore means a person who does not have metabolic imbalances, and then metabolizes all three components of good food.
E ' molto importante per lo specialista conoscere il vostro metabolismo intermedio perché in caso di sovrappeso, basterà seguire uno schema libero dal calcolo delle calorie, che non prevede riduzioni drastiche di cibo, ma che si basa semplicemente di una giusta sequenza di alimenti nell'arco della giornata ed eliminazione di cibi mal utilizzati dal tipo metabolico da trattare.
Con una corretta dieta metabolica è possibile ottenere risultati sorprendenti, insperati e duraturi nel tempo, arrivando ad una regolarizzazione del metabolismo.
Arriva il meglio!
Per determinare il metabolismo intermedio esistono diversi test di laboratorio che vengono utilizzati anche per altri scopi: pH venoso, curva glicemica e mineralogramma. Esiste poi l’"Odor test" o test dell'olfatto, ideato dallo stesso Watson e si basa su alcuni fondamentali principi biochimici. La percezione di un determinato odore da parte di un soggetto dipende dalla velocità e dal rendimento dei suoi cicli metabolici che determinano variazioni del pH sanguigno che a sua volta influenza nettamente la percezione chimico-olfattiva.
Questo test consiste nel far odorare al paziente sei boccettine nel quale sono contenute sostanze vegetali e chimiche. L'Odor test fornisce il profilo dello stato nutrizionale del soggetto, che deriva dal contenuto di zuccheri, grassi e anidride carbonica nel suo sangue.
A livello statistico la possibilità di errore è meno di 1 su 1000.
Con l'Odor test è possibile individuare soggetti con:
• Metabolismo lento: ricavano energia dal metabolismo di grassi e proteine, mentre non metabolizzano gli zuccheri. Sono soggetti che tendono ad ingrassare facilmente e se perdono chili in eccesso li riprendono con facilità.
• Metabolismo veloce: bruciano velocemente gli zuccheri e quindi sono incapaci di ossidare completamente grassi e proteine. Sono soggetti che tendono ad ingrassare in modo accentuato arrivando all'obesità; anche la perdita di peso può essere veloce e duratura.
• Metabolismo neutro: i loro processi metabolici sono normali, ma potrebbero mancare delle necessarie quantità di nutrienti , vitamine e sali minerali per vivere in maniera ottimale. Il peso corporeo tende a rimanere costante.
Once tested and discovered the intermediary metabolism just follow a proper nutritional program and specific for each subject and a personal effort, it will resolve the problem of energy imbalance and nutritional, reaching a state of mental and physical best. How would
Toto: "But do me a pleasure!"
Thank You Award Wording
Fast-food restaurants: what are the differences?
The restaurant is still the more complete and organized restaurant eating and drinking. But for decades there are also fast-food restaurants, increasingly popular with young and old. Why? Essentially for the cost and predictable Environment friendly and informal uniform. Turns out to be a favorite haunt of students, after the shopping malls. We try anyway to see similarities and differences. The fast-food, if too busy, not only promotes obesity, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and disrupts our food education, but also contributes to more hasty and impatient at the most common everyday actions. The fast food was born as a symbol of modern efficiency: You can eat fast and then concentrate on work or other activities. The problem is that the fast-food seems to have triggered in us the desire to save time when you do not need the context. Entering in the fast-food customers can not wait too long in the queue, many choose fast food just for a quick lunch, maybe a lunch break too short or after a business meeting lasted more than necessary. For these customers, the sandwich must be ready even before the customer orders, neither too late nor too early. A cold sandwich does not make the customer happy. Still in the fast-food and, unlike the restaurant, you pay for your meal before you even receive it. Behind the counter, the employees are in a hurry to provide sandwiches and drinks to the customer as quickly as possible. Let us dwell on carton packaging of sandwiches: the closure is often specially made weak in order to simplify the process opening. Everything is fixed, easy, obvious: there is no need to ask anyone for help, there is no need to talk, there is no need to reflect. The restaurant is not so: you can be more relaxed and calm, seek information and clarification on the flat or ask the ingredients of a recipe. If you have only ordered sandwiches there are no forks, knives or spoons; fast-food restaurants are witnessing an optimization of the times very severe. It is no accident for example, that there are always a few seats or even tables on which to eat standing up, so too is no coincidence that the chairs are uncomfortable and very small tables. The fast-food restaurants are not, are not made to inviting a client to get comfortable. Who ends up eating you have to lift to make room for those who have just arrived. It should be clear that the fast-food is not done for a chat after lunch. The customer has already paid for sitting: any time in more passing into the enclosure does not bring additional revenue to the operator.
The restaurant is still the more complete and organized restaurant eating and drinking. But for decades there are also fast-food restaurants, increasingly popular with young and old. Why? Essentially for the cost and predictable Environment friendly and informal uniform. Turns out to be a favorite haunt of students, after the shopping malls. We try anyway to see similarities and differences. The fast-food, if too busy, not only promotes obesity, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and disrupts our food education, but also contributes to more hasty and impatient at the most common everyday actions. The fast food was born as a symbol of modern efficiency: You can eat fast and then concentrate on work or other activities. The problem is that the fast-food seems to have triggered in us the desire to save time when you do not need the context. Entering in the fast-food customers can not wait too long in the queue, many choose fast food just for a quick lunch, maybe a lunch break too short or after a business meeting lasted more than necessary. For these customers, the sandwich must be ready even before the customer orders, neither too late nor too early. A cold sandwich does not make the customer happy. Still in the fast-food and, unlike the restaurant, you pay for your meal before you even receive it. Behind the counter, the employees are in a hurry to provide sandwiches and drinks to the customer as quickly as possible. Let us dwell on carton packaging of sandwiches: the closure is often specially made weak in order to simplify the process opening. Everything is fixed, easy, obvious: there is no need to ask anyone for help, there is no need to talk, there is no need to reflect. The restaurant is not so: you can be more relaxed and calm, seek information and clarification on the flat or ask the ingredients of a recipe. If you have only ordered sandwiches there are no forks, knives or spoons; fast-food restaurants are witnessing an optimization of the times very severe. It is no accident for example, that there are always a few seats or even tables on which to eat standing up, so too is no coincidence that the chairs are uncomfortable and very small tables. The fast-food restaurants are not, are not made to inviting a client to get comfortable. Who ends up eating you have to lift to make room for those who have just arrived. It should be clear that the fast-food is not done for a chat after lunch. The customer has already paid for sitting: any time in more passing into the enclosure does not bring additional revenue to the operator.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
What Is The Course Of Bloody Mucus Discharge
Secretary of the PD
Veltroni attacca Bersani
Bondi non andrà a Cannes perché c’è il film della Guzzanti
Una buona notizia e una cattiva. In attesa di un paese dove le notizie siano solo buone accontentiamoci di commentare quello che passa il convento. La buona notizia , naturalmente, è quella che Bondi non andrà a Cannes.
Bondi non andrà a Cannes perché c’è il film della Guzzanti
Una buona notizia e una cattiva. In attesa di un paese dove le notizie siano solo buone accontentiamoci di commentare quello che passa il convento. La buona notizia , naturalmente, è quella che Bondi non andrà a Cannes.
Perché sia una notizia positiva in ogni senso è facile comprenderlo. Infatti , se un Ministro della Repubblica ha paura di presenziare ad uno dei concorsi cinematografici più importanti , esclusivamente , perché un Comico ( con la C maiuscola) presenta un film sgradito al datore di lavoro del Ministro è una notizia importante . La paura della realtà , la vergogna (si spera) sempre della verità , l’imbarazzo di dover ammettere che quello che i media ,assoggettati al premier , hanno tentato di trasferire al paese , non è la Actually, make that a Minister of the Republic is at home and then to represent the country remains the Comedian. All this is good for the country. Maybe Moody's will give us a punticino more in terms of credibility.
And then we say it? Finding out that before the innocence of those who cry that "the emperor has no clothes " a courtier he rears ... always gives a great satisfaction. "... that you have to be always happy that our cry to the king hurts, it hurts the rich and the cardinal, diventan sad if we piangiam ... " sings several decades Dario For and as always, in his genius, has pioneered.
easy enough in a historical moment in which the servitude is the norm and the reading of the instruction manual for the brain, which nature has provided us generously, is not put into practice across the board.
This last consideration allows us to attach the second piece of news or the bad.
Veltroni attacked Bersani. Just
guys, how many times have we said that we have broken the fuck?
Why do you force us to be boring!
not just the unhappy prospect that if tomorrow, for the cocks that they add up together, were to topple the government we are not able to propose an alternative that is the least expendable? Not enough? No that is not enough! We have to break my balls with the different character on a daily basis who want to prove him an inch longer than the other ...
let us resolve, if that is the question we ask Rocco Siffredi to the Secretary of the PD!.
Joking aside, but we want it to end once and for all?
Veltroni, you've got to lead the party and we saw the results. Nevertheless, we recognize your honesty, your skills (always intellectuals) but now there for reasons that battered the fuck, maybe you consider important, but that none of us poor mortals understand.
Let us stop! By now you already understand how it works here. That is: if you send blissfully Fini and Berlusconi "fuck" in direct and unified networks for the average balances, and if, any one of the Democratic Party runs a fart, this is sold as a synonym for division. We have the example of the week. D'Alema sent to fuck a provocateur of shit? All to bring up D'Alema. Let's face it, D'Alema is what we all know, but who, in his position and in that situation would do the same? By the way send to "fuck off" Deputy Director of the Newspaper-owned presdelcons is one of the few acts shared the "Fox Tableland" in recent years.
That said, please get it over with! Who works in the territory to stem the tide of shit that day Northern League mayors and / or PDL, provincial presidents leaguers and / or the PDL and governors of the region always leaguers and / or PDL, upset against them, can no longer to see their national contact points to play "cock Renzo " which went on unaware of the pecking order in the common pot Azzeccagarbugli lawyer.
This last consideration allows us to attach the second piece of news or the bad.
Veltroni attacked Bersani. Just
guys, how many times have we said that we have broken the fuck?
Why do you force us to be boring!
not just the unhappy prospect that if tomorrow, for the cocks that they add up together, were to topple the government we are not able to propose an alternative that is the least expendable? Not enough? No that is not enough! We have to break my balls with the different character on a daily basis who want to prove him an inch longer than the other ...
let us resolve, if that is the question we ask Rocco Siffredi to the Secretary of the PD!.
Joking aside, but we want it to end once and for all?
Veltroni, you've got to lead the party and we saw the results. Nevertheless, we recognize your honesty, your skills (always intellectuals) but now there for reasons that battered the fuck, maybe you consider important, but that none of us poor mortals understand.
Let us stop! By now you already understand how it works here. That is: if you send blissfully Fini and Berlusconi "fuck" in direct and unified networks for the average balances, and if, any one of the Democratic Party runs a fart, this is sold as a synonym for division. We have the example of the week. D'Alema sent to fuck a provocateur of shit? All to bring up D'Alema. Let's face it, D'Alema is what we all know, but who, in his position and in that situation would do the same? By the way send to "fuck off" Deputy Director of the Newspaper-owned presdelcons is one of the few acts shared the "Fox Tableland" in recent years.
That said, please get it over with! Who works in the territory to stem the tide of shit that day Northern League mayors and / or PDL, provincial presidents leaguers and / or the PDL and governors of the region always leaguers and / or PDL, upset against them, can no longer to see their national contact points to play "cock Renzo " which went on unaware of the pecking order in the common pot Azzeccagarbugli lawyer.
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