Special Interrogation of terrorists wanted by former Pentagon chief, Donald Rumsfeld , and former Vice-President Dick Cheney .
"The doctors had to make," read on Repubblica.it, "and technical as waterboarding, that is, simulated drowning, sleep deprivation and so on do not go beyond the self-imposed limits by the government that would protect the lights from the charge of torture. But when the doctors took note of interrogation techniques, patients would become "guinea pigs". In fact, the techniques were changed thanks to these comments. "The water was in fact replaced by a saline solution to prevent the risk of pneumonia or hyponatremia, which is a reduction of sodium can lead to death.
E 'this is the' civilization ' Western? E 'this is the ethic that inspired the doctors willing to Bush? If you tolerate this, your children will be next, someone said some 'time ago. The American philosophy
Judith Butler wrote words in high regard and consider carefully: "The term 'civilization', and that this implies in practice leads to production of human waste and offers a culturally limited than standard is presumed to be human.'s not just that some humans are treated as human beings and others are de-humanized, is that the de-humanization becomes the condition to produce the human civilization to the point that a 'western' defines itself above and against a people regarded as illegitimate by definition, and human with some doubts. "
Link: Judith Butler, Model Guantanamo
E 'this is the' civilization ' Western? E 'this is the ethic that inspired the doctors willing to Bush? If you tolerate this, your children will be next, someone said some 'time ago. The American philosophy
Judith Butler wrote words in high regard and consider carefully: "The term 'civilization', and that this implies in practice leads to production of human waste and offers a culturally limited than standard is presumed to be human.'s not just that some humans are treated as human beings and others are de-humanized, is that the de-humanization becomes the condition to produce the human civilization to the point that a 'western' defines itself above and against a people regarded as illegitimate by definition, and human with some doubts. "
Link: Judith Butler, Model Guantanamo
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