celebrated in these pages are taken from the positive philosophy Course (1830-42), describes the famous Comte law of three stages. Comte believes, namely that the historical development of mankind, like the individual moved from a '"childhood" (corresponding to the level of theological -dummy) to a "youth" (abstract-metaphysical stage ) up to adulthood (positive or scientific stage ). Each of them corresponds to a specific mode of knowledge.
After reading the passage, explain the text by answering the following questions:
1) at what stage of human development si cercano le leggi oggettive dei fenomeni attraverso l'osservazione?
2) Comte afferma che lo sviluppo dell'intelligenza umana è soggetto a una legge "per necessità invariabile". Che cosa intende con tale espressione?
3) Comte afferma che lo stadio metafisico non trasforma in modo sostanziale la conoscenza propria dello stadio teologico. In che senso?
4) Perché lo stadio positivo rappresenta la fase "adulta" dell'intelligenza?
After reading the passage, explain the text by answering the following questions:
1) at what stage of human development si cercano le leggi oggettive dei fenomeni attraverso l'osservazione?
2) Comte afferma che lo sviluppo dell'intelligenza umana è soggetto a una legge "per necessità invariabile". Che cosa intende con tale espressione?
3) Comte afferma che lo stadio metafisico non trasforma in modo sostanziale la conoscenza propria dello stadio teologico. In che senso?
4) Perché lo stadio positivo rappresenta la fase "adulta" dell'intelligenza?
5) Comte ritiene di aver scoperto la legge fondamentale della storia umana. Anche Marx, quasi negli stessi anni, riteneva di aver individuato nel materialismo storico la legge che governa la storia. Che differenza c'è fra le due scoperte?
"To properly explain the true nature and character of the philosophy it is necessary to cast a positive overview of the gradual process of the human spirit as any doctrine can be known better when you know the story.
so studying the development of 'human intelligence in its various spheres of activity, from the first event to this day, I think I discovered a great fundamental law, to which it is subject to invariable need and which can be precisely defined with rational proof is derived from knowledge of our organization, both with the historical verification result of a careful examination of the past.
This law is that each of our core area, each area of \u200b\u200bour knowledge, passes successively through three different stages: the stage theological or fictitious, the metaphysical or abstract stage; the positive or scientific stage. In other words, the human spirit by its nature, strive after, in all its research, three methods of philosophizing, whose character is essentially different and even opposite: at the theological method, then the metaphysical, and finally the positive method . Since there are three types of source philosophy or views on all the general phenomena, which are mutually exclusive: the first is the necessary starting point of intelligence umana, il terzo la sua sistemazione definitiva e fissa, il secondo vale soltanto come momento di passaggio.
Nello stadio teologico lo spirito umano indirizza essenzialmente le sue ricerche verso la natura intima delle cose, le cause prime e le cause ultime di tutti gli effetti che lo colpiscono, in una parola, verso le conoscenze assolute e si rappresenta i fenomeni come prodotti dall’azione diretta e continua di agenti sovrannaturali piú o meno numerosi, il cui arbitrario intervento dà ragione di tutte le contraddizioni apparenti dell’universo.
Nello stadio metafisico, che non è in fondo se non una semplice modificazione generale del precedente, gli agenti sovrannaturali sono sostituiti da forze astratte, vere entità inerenti the different beings in the world and conceived as capable of making themselves all the observed phenomena, the explanation is, therefore, to assign to each the corresponding entity. Finally
stadium positive human spirit by recognizing the impossibility of achieving absolute waiver of the terms to look for the source and fate of the universe and intimate knowledge of the causes of phenomena, to devote himself solely to discover, using appropriately combined of reasoning and observation, their actual laws, that is their invariable relations of succession and likeness. The explanation of the facts, thus reduced in its real terms, is nothing now that the bond place between different particular phenomena and some general facts, hence stem the progress of science tends to decrease the number of laws [...]
Ordunque, if the positive philosophy is the true final state of intelligence human, that state towards which it has always been more intensely stretched, however, it was obliged to employ at the beginning and during a long succession of centuries as a method or as a provisional doctrine, philosophy, theology, philosophy, whose character is d ' be spontaneous, and therefore the only possible source, the only one that can also offer to our spirits rising a sufficient interest. It is now very easy realize that this philosophy to move from provisional to final philosophy, the human spirit had naturally adopted as a transitional philosophy, methods and metaphysical doctrines. The latter consideration is required to complete the brief general information on the great law that I proposed. "
so studying the development of 'human intelligence in its various spheres of activity, from the first event to this day, I think I discovered a great fundamental law, to which it is subject to invariable need and which can be precisely defined with rational proof is derived from knowledge of our organization, both with the historical verification result of a careful examination of the past.
This law is that each of our core area, each area of \u200b\u200bour knowledge, passes successively through three different stages: the stage theological or fictitious, the metaphysical or abstract stage; the positive or scientific stage. In other words, the human spirit by its nature, strive after, in all its research, three methods of philosophizing, whose character is essentially different and even opposite: at the theological method, then the metaphysical, and finally the positive method . Since there are three types of source philosophy or views on all the general phenomena, which are mutually exclusive: the first is the necessary starting point of intelligence umana, il terzo la sua sistemazione definitiva e fissa, il secondo vale soltanto come momento di passaggio.
Nello stadio teologico lo spirito umano indirizza essenzialmente le sue ricerche verso la natura intima delle cose, le cause prime e le cause ultime di tutti gli effetti che lo colpiscono, in una parola, verso le conoscenze assolute e si rappresenta i fenomeni come prodotti dall’azione diretta e continua di agenti sovrannaturali piú o meno numerosi, il cui arbitrario intervento dà ragione di tutte le contraddizioni apparenti dell’universo.
Nello stadio metafisico, che non è in fondo se non una semplice modificazione generale del precedente, gli agenti sovrannaturali sono sostituiti da forze astratte, vere entità inerenti the different beings in the world and conceived as capable of making themselves all the observed phenomena, the explanation is, therefore, to assign to each the corresponding entity. Finally
stadium positive human spirit by recognizing the impossibility of achieving absolute waiver of the terms to look for the source and fate of the universe and intimate knowledge of the causes of phenomena, to devote himself solely to discover, using appropriately combined of reasoning and observation, their actual laws, that is their invariable relations of succession and likeness. The explanation of the facts, thus reduced in its real terms, is nothing now that the bond place between different particular phenomena and some general facts, hence stem the progress of science tends to decrease the number of laws [...]
Ordunque, if the positive philosophy is the true final state of intelligence human, that state towards which it has always been more intensely stretched, however, it was obliged to employ at the beginning and during a long succession of centuries as a method or as a provisional doctrine, philosophy, theology, philosophy, whose character is d ' be spontaneous, and therefore the only possible source, the only one that can also offer to our spirits rising a sufficient interest. It is now very easy realize that this philosophy to move from provisional to final philosophy, the human spirit had naturally adopted as a transitional philosophy, methods and metaphysical doctrines. The latter consideration is required to complete the brief general information on the great law that I proposed. "
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