Sandro Bondi next Nobel Prize for Courage (if there is not invent it) does not show up before the scale to avoid (if all goes well) a shower of insults. The superintendent Stephane Lissner (communist too?) Gets along well with a beat of a subtlety and a caustic Agnelliana (from Gianni Agnelli). Gelmini discharging to a wheelbarrow of manure directly on our doorstep. In the weeks or months in the past Gianni Letta (which someone seems the least bad) he gets boos and insults Aquila. The "best of the fig tree tubs" occurs in the deep Veneto League and he gets despite insults and boos si sia portato dietro il capo della Lega come salvacondotto. Siamo al punto in cui “ l’uomo della provvidenza “ ormai può parlare liberamente solo nei conclave dei cerebrolesi che a lui si sono consacrati e votati …. a prescindere . E citiamo solo i casi che la memoria , ormai preda dell’Alzheimer, ci consentono.
Sono ,però, segni dei tempi , e siccome i segni rappresentano pure qualcosa bisognerà trarre qualche considerazione, pur senza essere sociologi, psicologi, analisti , o il Gustave Le Bon del 3° millennio che riscrive “La Psicologia delle Folle” .
Ordunque quali auspici trarre? Avendo un’ età tale da aver vissuto e mnemonizzato una serie di eventi passati We can say that not even the end of the "first republic" had a full outline of objections to 360 ° as is happening with the current, deceased government. At the bottom of the first republic "became extinct" with the coins dropped in 93 to Craxi. It 's true that this was just the final step of a long agony made set of handcuffs in the news, of prosecutors (finally) were able to exercise all their functions freely, but nothing compares to the opinion that the public (or the people, if you like) has against the current ruling class. Unfortunately 17 years have passed since then but it's as if they had passed 170 (but counter-clockwise). In the meantime the "presdelcons lasts until" could influence public opinion so as to allow any one they like, through the mechanisms that we know mass media and the plethora of whores regime that surrounds it and that makes him the lackeys through television, newspapers and so on. To be very clear that there is no doubt, given the priority activity of the subjects we are dealing with, we specify that the term "whores of the regime" is not intended to relate only to those who practice commercial sex, rather than s selling brains, dignity and principles in exchange for a prebend any or some of that money, we hope, will spend the short in drugs to treat dysentery.
Coming back to the original is almost instinctive to think of a "deja vu" or maybe just an auspicious attempt to delude themselves that this country of ... chocolate, which celebrated until recently the leader of "ghe I think, may have finally broke his balls and has seen fit to send him to occupy one of the many vacant houses in Antigua, free in the end of the trumpet (so to speak ...) all the sluts they like without having to account to anyone. Meanwhile, expect
December 14 that although we know not the date for the scheme will, however, a further step towards the end of a sistema politico per tutti, nessuno escluso. (Bersani… Ci sei ? Sei connesso? E tu Vendola pure? )
Intanto riflettiamo su due questioni di questi giorni . Denis Verdini , indagato per corruzione dichiara ( salvo poi precisare , smentire, ritrattare, puntualizzare) che: “"Sappiamo delle prerogative del Quirinale, ma politicamente ce ne freghiamo…” e intanto Giorgio Napolitano è l’unico uomo politico che può permettersi di attraversare serenamente “lo stivale” raccogliendo solo applausi e consensi.
L’altra , abbiamo dovuto aspettare che arrivasse un Galantuomo di nome Daniel Barenboim, nato a Buenos Aires da genitori russi di origine ebraica a leggere davanti al mondo Full Article 9 of the Italian Constitution to remind politicians that they have sworn on the same ones who are their duties.
these will also be signs of the times?
Sono ,però, segni dei tempi , e siccome i segni rappresentano pure qualcosa bisognerà trarre qualche considerazione, pur senza essere sociologi, psicologi, analisti , o il Gustave Le Bon del 3° millennio che riscrive “La Psicologia delle Folle” .
Ordunque quali auspici trarre? Avendo un’ età tale da aver vissuto e mnemonizzato una serie di eventi passati We can say that not even the end of the "first republic" had a full outline of objections to 360 ° as is happening with the current, deceased government. At the bottom of the first republic "became extinct" with the coins dropped in 93 to Craxi. It 's true that this was just the final step of a long agony made set of handcuffs in the news, of prosecutors (finally) were able to exercise all their functions freely, but nothing compares to the opinion that the public (or the people, if you like) has against the current ruling class. Unfortunately 17 years have passed since then but it's as if they had passed 170 (but counter-clockwise). In the meantime the "presdelcons lasts until" could influence public opinion so as to allow any one they like, through the mechanisms that we know mass media and the plethora of whores regime that surrounds it and that makes him the lackeys through television, newspapers and so on. To be very clear that there is no doubt, given the priority activity of the subjects we are dealing with, we specify that the term "whores of the regime" is not intended to relate only to those who practice commercial sex, rather than s selling brains, dignity and principles in exchange for a prebend any or some of that money, we hope, will spend the short in drugs to treat dysentery.
Coming back to the original is almost instinctive to think of a "deja vu" or maybe just an auspicious attempt to delude themselves that this country of ... chocolate, which celebrated until recently the leader of "ghe I think, may have finally broke his balls and has seen fit to send him to occupy one of the many vacant houses in Antigua, free in the end of the trumpet (so to speak ...) all the sluts they like without having to account to anyone. Meanwhile, expect
December 14 that although we know not the date for the scheme will, however, a further step towards the end of a sistema politico per tutti, nessuno escluso. (Bersani… Ci sei ? Sei connesso? E tu Vendola pure? )
Intanto riflettiamo su due questioni di questi giorni . Denis Verdini , indagato per corruzione dichiara ( salvo poi precisare , smentire, ritrattare, puntualizzare) che: “"Sappiamo delle prerogative del Quirinale, ma politicamente ce ne freghiamo…” e intanto Giorgio Napolitano è l’unico uomo politico che può permettersi di attraversare serenamente “lo stivale” raccogliendo solo applausi e consensi.
L’altra , abbiamo dovuto aspettare che arrivasse un Galantuomo di nome Daniel Barenboim, nato a Buenos Aires da genitori russi di origine ebraica a leggere davanti al mondo Full Article 9 of the Italian Constitution to remind politicians that they have sworn on the same ones who are their duties.
these will also be signs of the times?
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