Sunday, June 20, 2010

Zalman Cpu Cooler Cleaning

Who is better to spit on the dead?

from the unit online: Enemies - The blog by Giovanni Maria Bellu
Felt, who spits on the dead
Picasso said to imitate others è inevitabile, mentre a imitare se stessi si provocano disastri. Non conosceva Vittorio Feltri che ha fatto dell'imitazione di se stesso una fonte di reddito. L'ultima imitazione è di ieri mattina: sulla prima pagina del Giornale un enorme titolo - "Israele ha fatto bene a sparare" - e un editoriale che andrebbe letto nelle scuole di giornalismo per spiegare agli studenti come non si deve fare mai. Portare una maschera presenta parecchi vantaggi. Il più grande di tutti è che ti senti autorizzato a mettere la maschera anche al prossimo e così risparmi la fatica di ragionare sul mondo e sulla sua complessità… Se hai la maschera di Vittorio Feltri e t'imbatti in un cadavere non devi far altro che sputarci sopra.Sono anni che Vittorio Feltri does. It is "the journalist vicious" and enjoys a sort of license. It can destroy the reputation of a man and then, as if nothing had happened, apologize and move it forward. Could - in collaboration with Renato Farina, the famous "agent birch" - define the links Enzo Baldoni, who was killed in Iraq, a "pirlacchione reckless." Yesterday he spat on peace: "The least we could expect those in the Freedom Flotilla was a burst of gunfire" ... Also on the Freedom Flotilla was one of those "pirlacchioni" who risk their lives in exchange for what Felt earns in half a day. But, above all, never has there been so brazen and candid declaration of partisanship. The same Israeli press calls for clarity on facts. Why you need to know before you judge. For everyone. But not for Victor Felts, the journalist who spits on the dead.

L'Osservatore Romano against Jose 'Saramago :' ideology anti-religious, 'criticized' the Crusades, but not the gulag '. The Vatican newspaper notes that the Portuguese poet who died yesterday chose 'gloss' of autocollocarsi' on the side of the evangelical cornfield weeds' and 'declared himself sleepless at the thought of the Crusades or the Inquisition, forgetting the memory of the gulag , of the 'purges', of genocide, cultural and religious samizdat'.

Without going on the merits: 1 to 10 who is better to spit on the dead?
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