Monday, December 21, 2009

Macro Garrote Hunger For Blood

Functional foods

Ecco quali cono ed a cosa are the most popular functional foods
Food iodized salt
What it is particularly useful in mountainous and rural areas, where fish consumption is low. A fair amount of iodine to the proper functioning of the thyroid.
and Muesli Bread enriched with isoflavones
Isoflavones seem to exert a preventive role in the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease
eggs and milk enriched with omega-3 essential fatty acids
omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect by protecting risk of heart attack.
yogurt, fermented milk, snacks and dairy products fortified with probiotic cultures generally
Improve e mantengono la flora microbica intestinale e inducono una maggior efficienza dell’organismo
Latte arricchito di ferro e acido folico
È utile particolarmente per le donne in gravidanza che hanno uno specifico bisogno di questi nutrienti
Cereali per la colazione arricchiti in acido folico
Durante la gravidanza un sufficiente livello di acido folico protegge dal rischio che il piccolo nasca con spina bifida
Biscotti, fette biscottate, cereali vitaminizzati e arricchiti con sali minerali
Contengono vitamine utili all’organismo, ma che si possono assumere facilmente da altri alimenti. Tra le integrazioni saline, quelle di calcio e ferro sono le più giustificate, given the widespread lack of these minerals in children.
Seed oils are fortified with vitamins
fat-soluble vitamins (eg A, D, E, K) are important for the health of the organism, but usually present in sufficient amounts in a varied diet.
Enriched with vitamins water-soluble vitamins and minerals, can be useful if the diet is low in vegetables are naturally rich in these substances. However, their use is not educational.
Chips vitamin-enriched factors
exploit the natural passion of children for the chips, to introduce larger amounts of vitamins. Their use is criticism especially in terms of proper nutrition education and taste.
candies fortified with vitamins
As chips exploit the taste of children, but are questionable in terms of nutrition.

Ek Ladki Anjani Si Last Episode

Eating color

George Pitzalis
pediatrician Nutritionist

of fruits and vegetables have a reduced-calorie, and provide the body with water, sugar, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and phytochemicals (compounds of plant origin). For all of us, every day, you should take a quantity equal to volume of 5 handfuls of fruit and / or vegetables. With this habit and an active lifestyle helps you to maintain physical and mental health, among other things, reducing by more than 30% the risk of cancer. Eating fruits and vegetables is important in every phase of life and what to eat is a good idea to teach children of all ages. Each fruit and vegetable has its own characteristics. 'S why our "5 fists" daily of fruits and vegetables should be as much as possible, colorful. Foods of the red (watermelon, orange, red cherry, strawberry, beetroot, tomatoes, radishes), reduce the risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases and protect the skin. Characteristic of this group of fruits and vegetables is the high content of two phytochemi ¬ cals with potent antioxidant lycopene and anthocyanins. The lycopene is effective in the prevention of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Anthocyanins are very useful in the treatment of diseases of the blood vessels of capillary fragility, prevention ATER ¬ sclerosis, inhibiting platelet aggregate ¬ tion and to improve visual function. Lycopene also has a high antioxidant power. During the matu ¬ ration of fruits and vegetables to reach the highest concentration of lycopene, and ripe fruits and vegetables will contain more. The strawberries and the orange red contain large amounts of vitamin C, which in addition to the fun ¬ tion antioxidant contributes to the production of collagen, keeps intact the blood vessels ¬ JUNE, stimulates the immune system, wound healing and increases absorption ¬ ment of the iron contained in vegetables . Foods of the yellow / orange are important to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, through the action of beta-carotene and flavonoids. Foods in this group are apricot, orange, clementine, khaki, lemon, mandarin, melon, loquat, nectarine, peach, grapefruit, pumpkin. Beta-carotene is the precursor of vitamin A, which is involved in growth ¬ tion, reproduction and maintenance tissue, immu ¬ nity in the function and vision. Beta-carotene protects our cells from damage caused by free radicals, is absorbed with fat and, when taken with food, it remains an overdose, but can occur as in the case of an excessive use of supplements. This group of com ¬ ments is also rich in flavonoids, substances that protect us from many kinds of cancer. The orange, lemon and peppers are rich in vitamin C, which in addition to antioxidant function, contributes to the production of collagen. A powerful antioxidant comes from two phytochemicals (chlorophyll, carotenoids) produced by the green group (agretti, asparagus, basil, chard, cauliflower, broccoli, artichoke, broccoli and cabbage, cucumber, chicory, turnip greens, endive, kiwifruit, lettuce, parsley, arugula, spinach, grapes and zucchini). The green vegetables contain magnesium, a very important mineral because it participates in metabolism of carbohydrates and protein, regulates the pressure of the blood vessels and trans ¬ transmission of nerve impulses. In green foods is also a large amount of carotenoids, which are specific phytochemicals responsible for vision, the development of epithelial cells, defend and aging. Green leafy vegetables are the best source of folic acid and folate, whose action is essential in pregnant women for risk prevention di incompleta chiusura del canale vertebrale dei neonati. L'acido folico e i folati contribuiscono inoltre alla prevenzione dell'aterosclerosi. Il contenuto di vitamina C degli ortaggi e della frutta di questo colore è molto elevato, in particolare nei broccoli, nel prezzemolo, negli spinaci e nel kiwi. La vista, la struttura dei capillari sanguigni e la funzione urinaria è assicurata dalle antocianine, caratterizzate da un elevato potere antiossidante nel gruppo blu/viola, rappresentato da fichi, frutti di bosco come lamponi, mirtilli, more e ribes, melanzane, prugne, radicchio, uva nera. Il consumo di alimenti contenenti antocianine è anche associato ad una ridotta incidenza di tumori. Elevato nel ribes e nel radicchio è il contenuto di vitamin C. Chicory is a good source of potassium, whose consumption is protective of bone health and is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and hyper ¬ tension. Good source of potassium are also figs, currants, blackberries and plums. Eggplants are rich in magnesium, and making a small number of calories. All foods in this group are characterized by a substantial amount of fiber. Finally, the white group (garlic, cauliflower, onion, fennel, mushrooms, apples, pears, leeks, celery), contains quercetin, a phytochemical very useful in preventing various cancers. Among these apples contain large amounts of flavonoids, potent antioxidants against tumors and the functionality lung. Foods in this group are a treasure trove of health for the wealth of fiber, minerals (especially potassium, whose consumption is protective of bone tissue, and after it ¬ cardiovascular disease and hypertension) and vitamins, especially vitamin C. The growing scientific interest in the food of the white group is linked primarily to the fact that naturally contain phytochemicals (isothiocyanates), which are pre ¬ cellular aging. Garlic, onions and leeks contain a substance, the allilsolfuro, which pro ¬ protects our body from coronary heart disease, makes the blood more fluid and less prone to blood clots and helps in preventing various forms of cancer. Fungi represent, along with cereals and beef, a major source of selenium, a mineral that although in very small quantities needed for our body daily to prevent hypertension, anemia, various cancers and aging. Fruits and vegetables should be taken every day, not only to hold our caloric intake, but also to derive maximum benefit from their multiple dimensions.

To be continued ...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Feeling Nauseous Every Afternoon

History of an Italian citizen: Pap Khouma

I'm Italian and I have black skin. A black Italian, as I was told the passport control of the airport in Boston by African American security officers. But you have no idea what it means to be Italian and have black skin just in the Italy of 2009?
I understood when I go to City to Milan to request a certificate and produce my passport or my Italian identity card, the officer without even a peek at my files, but just looking at him, requiring however, my residence permit means a document that no Italian citizen possesses. I remember an occasion when, in a decentralized branch of the City of Milan, an official was surprised that I could get the Italian identity card and called to help two other colleagues noticed that leaving the people in line to the respective branches. Il loro dialogo suonava più o meno così.
"Mi ha dato la sua carta d'identità italiana ma dice di non avere il permesso di soggiorno. Come è possibile?".
"Come hai fatto ad avere la carta d'identità, se non hai un permesso di soggiorno... ci capisci? Dove hai preso questo documento? Capisci l'italiano?". "Non ho il permesso di soggiorno", mi limitai a rispondere.
Sul documento rilasciato dal Comune (e in mano a ben tre funzionari del Comune) era stampato "cittadino italiano" ma loro continuavano a concentrarsi solo sulla mia faccia nera, mentre la gente in attesa perdeva la pazienza.

Why not read what is written on paper? "I suggested. A moment of surprise .... but finally gave me of her." She is an Italian citizen? Why did not he say so? We are not accustomed to seeing an immigrant
...". This claim would seem to have some sense but instead, to cut short, I emphasize that they are now an Italian citizen, I would answer such phrases: "You have the Italian passport but you're not Italian. "Or, with a smile:" You do not have the Italian nationality as us, you only have Italian citizenship because you are extra.

© PAP Khouma - Continue on

About Pap Pap Khouma
Khouma the Festival of the Book of Turin (2006)
The review of literature of migration El-Ghibli online direct from Pap Khouma

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Riverside - Anno Domini High Definition

Diet is free: it offers Giustopeso Italy

Want a free diet?
Giustopeso Italy offers you the (non-profit nutrition education). Write to your diary type diet and we will comment to you. At the end eat meglio ed inizierai a recuperare il tuo giusto peso.
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Friday, December 4, 2009

Camera Adaptor Plate Mount

Racists? Yes, that's wrong?

Dealers , editors, landlords, owners of public establishments, entrepreneurs ... All ready to take "only Italian, as is clear from a survey on web ads of the Milan office of (see here to believe). And according to a survey research for Demos & Pi Foundation Unipolis the question "Immigrants are a threat to public order and security of people?" il 37,4% si dichiara d'accordo (era però il 50,7% nei primi mesi del 2008). Si dirà: ognuno ha il diritto di affittare la propria a casa a chi vuole e di assumere chi gli pare. A parte l'ovvia obiezione di discriminazione, in realtà il famoso diritto di essere padrono a casa (o in azienda) propria nasconde un altro interesse, evidenziato dall'inchiesta: poiché nell'offerta di lavoro o di alloggio era richiesto esplicitamente "solo italiani", nel caso in cui il locatario o il datore di lavoro "per gentile concessione" assuma o affitti a uno straniero, la paga e l'affitto vengono calcolati di conseguenza "proprio perché non sono razzista e ti voglio venire incontro". Insomma, un bel trucco per sfruttare i disperati looking for a roof over their head and a job to eat: investigation, we learn that "writing 'only Italian', the employer sends a message to the stranger: for the place, you have to accept being paid less. The cases are collected by CGIL nightmare: work apiatti Chinese full-time to € 500 per month, € 600 in North African waiters, shop at clothing stores Moldovan earn 750 euro instead of the 1,000 planned. " In the case of Moldovan - says Cripps [CGIL responsible Milan] - the ad was clear: they did not want foreigners. So, making them work, the company has done them a favor. "
Yet not far away from Switzerland in the days when off-premises signs hung (it will be recalled from the post of human conditions on the story of Alfredo Zardini ) says "Italiener für Eintritt verboten!" (Entry forbidden to Italians), as you can see from the picture shown here, taken in 1958 in Saarbrucken, a German town near Strasbourg (© Stella GA). Or the even more offensive "Interdit au chiens et italiens au" in Belgium or Switzerland, when the Italians turned the cardboard suitcase. Racism, as I wrote in the post on a new book by Stella, is an alibi, the last refuge of sordid interest in the prepotenza, all'affermazione di sé: l'interesse a far prevalere i propri interessi. Chi tira le banane a Mario Balotelli o ad altri giocatori di colore non ha mai provato sulla sua pelle cosa significa essere discriminati, non ha mai messo piede in un altro paese in cui qualcuno è più bianco di lui, più puro e più a casa propria. E nessuno di loro, andando a lavorare, credo sia accaduto quel che accadde a Gallarate il 16 gennaio 2000 al piastrellista romeno Ion Cazacu , il quale aveva osato chiedere al suo "padroncino" di essere regolarizzato visto che era stato assunto in nero.
A chi ha paura dell'uomo nero, come certi bambini, I recommend that most men fear smart "
Open your eyes baby, watch baby, do not fear the black man, fear not the wolf man, not afraid of the dark man, topics only man smart" (Caparezza).

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can I Get A Mount On Trial Account

The eternal war against each other

It could be called a kind of Gomorrah of racism, this latest book by Gian Antonio Stella. Stella from the first page sets the fundamental issue, that of 'fetishistic obsession identity and xenophobic drift : "At the center of the world," say some old Rialto, "ghe semo rest of us: the venessiani de Venessia. In de across the bridge of the Liberty che porta in terraferma, ghe xè i campagnoli, che i dise de esser venessiani e de parlar venessian, ma no i xè venessiani: i xè campagnoli. Al de là dei campagnoli ghe xè i foresti: comaschi, bergamaschi, canadesi, parigini, polacchi, inglesi, valdostani... Tuti foresti. Al de là dell'Adriatico, sotto Trieste, ghe xè i sciavi: gli slavi. E i xingani: gli zingari. Sotto el Po ghe xè in napo'etani. Più sotto ancora dei napo'etani ghe xè i mori: neri, arabi, meticci... Tutti mori" (G. A. Stella, Negri Froci Giudei & co.. L'eterna guerra contro l'altro , Rizzoli, Milano 2009, p. 11). Nella fine classificazione etnografica dei vecchi veneziani, riportata by Stella, but who lacked Kowalski, the old patriotic workers of Ford (played by the great Clint Eastwood) who clashes with Asian immigrants in Gran Torino calls - with little imagination - "Japs" and that " venessiani "above - with educated ittologicamente fantasy - instead call the" relief "(the sole, yellow for the face and crushed). These gently reciprocate the favor to the Venetians and the world, considering not the city of the terraqueous like Venetian (or Venetian people, or the Po valley, or Christians, or Muslims, etc..), But nothing less than "the middle of Heaven and Earth, where the cosmic forces are in harmony "(ibid.).
Anyone who has studied a bit 'of cultural anthropology, but I'm not saying even a story (also fulfills one of the averages) knows that there's people that has not boasted some of the foundation myth of its divine origin or their biological superiority. They're all inside: Jews, Egyptians, Persians, Indians, Greeks, Muslims and Christians., Chinese, Japanese, Korean .. In every ancient mythology, in every religion, there is this claim to be entitled to a land on a site, and then to be the center of the world from that place, from the 'omphalos (see chap. 3 "The navel of the world we are. No, us"). And at the same time, the fear of "Contamination" of the other. The other brings disease, infected, appropriate - more or less legitimately - a piece of that place where "we" recognize, we have our "roots," our "culture", in short, our "identity." The more we "expropriation" of our being ourselves, "pulls out" of our beautiful community, comes into our homes (dirty and corrupts our trains with its pestilential odors or its unclean food, peeing - as cursed Oriana Fallaci - on the walls of our churches, stole our goods honestly and laboriously accumulated, particularly rape and kill our women ...). The horror of what Borghezio defines "approval globalist" (p. 12) spinge allora a serrare le fila, a stringersi nel locale (significativamente, nel dialetto del mio paese, "locale" stava per "bar, ristorante", oppure per "appartamento"), a mettere la croce sul tricolore e a proporre referendum sui minareti., le moschee, i crocifissi e i veli, per mettere argine al contagio, per paura di essere "contaminati" dall'altro. Il razzismo ha il vantaggio di essere una "ipersoluzione" (Watzlawick), cioè di essere in grado di spiegare tutto, dall'influenza A alla crisi economica, dalle nuove povertà alla violenza sessuale. La purezza come criterio di appropriazione e di definizione culturale è in realtà una mistificazione tautologica: "puro" è solo ciò che ha avuto rapporti "we", "us" is the only criterion for determining what is "pure." In other words, the definition of "pure" is purely subjective and arbitrary and has no logical stringency, but only reflects a relationship of domination, power relations (I decide that you, you can not decide, you're different from me and therefore impure , contamination and contagious with your diversity but I am identical to myself and so pure, pristine, aseptic). He has no need: it is a fiction ideological construct a fake, just as "cultural identity" (which increasingly shows to be what Colonel Dax in Paths of Glory of Stanley Kubrick dice, citando Samuel Johnson , del patriottismo: "l'ultimo rifugio delle canaglie"). E' stato detto tante volte ma vale la pena ripetere che, beninteso, questo vale per chiunque (ebrei, cristiani, turchi, cinesi...) rivendichi pseudo-purezze culturali che non esistono da nessuna parte (a parte forse qualche tribù indios amazzonica che non ha mai avuto contatti con nessun'altra popolazione, come questa ) e non solo per il Ku-Klux-Klan. La purezza (del sangue, dell'identità, dell'ideologia) richiede inevitabilmente, necessariamente, la pulizia e se l'identità culturale deve restare pura, l'unico detergente è la pulizia etnica. Stella ricorda che il modello della ethnic cleansing par excellence, the Holocaust, genocide was preceded by the Boers in South Africa by the British who wanted to get rid of the white Africans (considered "impure" because the product of a mixture of Dutch, French, German) which caused a "massacre": "some 30,000 farms were destroyed, at least 120,000 people, overwhelmingly women and children ... were interned in concentration camps where over 20,000 children lost their lives ..." (p. 18). So ruthless ethnic cleansing, Stella recalls, they can be used even by Hitler himself as an excuse "to reject the United Kingdom in 1941 to charges of genocide and told in the infamous Ohm Krüger (di cui però Stella omette il titolo, che aggiungo io) "girato per istigare le SS a vendicare le donne e i bambini boeri", film che al Festival di Venezia del 1941 vinse la Coppa Mussolini come miglior pellicola straniera (ibid.). (Ironia - malvagia - della sorte, i primi campi di concentramento, com'è noto (ma credo non abbastanza), furono creati dagli inglesi in Sudafrica nel corso della seconda guerra boera : si veda qui ). O come il genocidio degli armeni (tra uno e due milioni di morti), che servì al nazismo come modello della "soluzione finale della questione ebraica" ( Endlösung der Judenfrage ). Then the Turkish Committee of Union and Progress said it was "to save the motherland from the ambitions of this accursed race [the Armenians] and to take charge on their shoulders patriotic stain that obscures the Ottoman history" (p. 23).
A similar obsession with purity, cleanliness, the removal of stains and cleans away, has something of psychopathology in the Freudian sense. The pariah is impure, the Dalits who corrupts by his mere presence. Useful in this regard, the cap. 17, "The stupidario fanatics," an anthology of horror physical racist ideology and latitude of each species to the other feeds. They show a characteristic trait of racism, his constant news: his being "always in the balance between the ridiculous and the monstrous" (p. 299), an epistemological status somewhere between obscene jokes and criminal mentality. Ethnic and sexual stereotypes are a form of objectification of the other, the stranger, of the stranger to immobilize it, fix it, turn it into a "thing" (in philosophical language: reification) to be able to control, dominate, in order to operate on it's own power (to go to war, buy, sell, exploit, pointing to public opinion as a scapegoat, deny rights ...). Racism is a form of depersonalization and objectification of the human: it is denied recognition, hostility deep, atavistic, ancestral to admit that the 'ingroup may be similar to' outgroup, we can share, you can talk about equality among human beings. Once again we are witnessing today the return of the ideology of oppression, annihilation of the other, the rejection of the comparison and relation to another. Maybe it's time to go to recite the prayer to God that the secular ends Treatise on Tolerance Voltaire: "God of all beings, all worlds, of all time, Thou shalt not have given us a heart for hate each other one another, nor hands to kill one another; is' and we help each other to bear the burden of a painful life and passing. It 'so that small differences between the clothes that cover our weak bodies, in all our inadequate languages, including all of our ridiculous customs, in all our imperfect laws, including all our foolish opinions, of all our beliefs so dissimilar to our eyes and so equal in front of you, in short, that all these little nuances that distinguish the atoms called 'men' are not many signs of hatred and persecution. "

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rozmawialismy English

Courses in nutrition education in Rome

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Drink Alcohol Pain Behind Ears

Food allergies

Test per intolleranze alimentari? No, grazie!

Giorgio Pitzalis
Medico Pediatra Nutrizionista

Il filosofo Ludwig Feuerbach aveva ragione: noi siamo quello che mangiamo. Il problema è che mangiamo troppo e senza troppa attenzione alla qualità. Parliamo di junk-foods: un panino di grano tenero con prosciutto e senape contiene non meno di tredici additivi (emulsionanti, agenti trattanti, stabilizzatori, regolatori di acidità), indicati sulla confezione con una «E» seguita da un numero; un pacchetto di patatine contiene esaltatori di sapidità (glutammato monosodico e ribonucleotide di sodio); una lattina di bevanda gassata all'arancia contiene solo l'8% di succo d'arancia e il resto è sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, zucchero, aspartame, saccarina, conservante, aroma e colorante. Così, ogni anno, nei paesi industrializzati, finiscono nell’organismo di ognuno di noi 6-7 chili di additivi alimentari. Di questi solo il 10% servono alla conservazione del cibo. Il restante 90% è rappresentato da quelli conosciuti as "cosmetic additives: flavoring, dyes, emulsifiers (to make the food more consistent in our mouth), thickeners and sweeteners. These are the substances that most concern and which may cause problems to our health. In fact, symptoms such as headache, bad breath, irritability, drowsiness, itching, coughing, insomnia, abdominal pain, ulcers, diarrhea (and many others) are becoming more frequent. The solution is obvious: to learn to eat. But perhaps it is too trivial or too difficult. E 'at this point that we are captured by a more widespread doubt: what if I had a food intolerance? And so the "tam tam" leads us in front of doctors or assumed we shall test you propinano the singular and weird diets. More and more frequently happen to see patients (adults and children) subject to investigation "unconventional" for the diagnosis of allergy and / or food intolerance. Most of the time was the classic "word of mouth" approach to suggest to patients that method, but unfortunately sometimes it is the doctors to address the unfortunate "the moors" of food intolerance. These, for medicine, identify any adverse reactions to food do not you ¬ due mainly to a toxic effect and that, unlike of allergy, occur without the involvement of the immune system (pharmacological mechanisms, enzymatic o sconosciuti). Ne consegue che questa diagnosi viene applicata ai disturbi più vari: irritabilità, insonnia, inappetenza, obesità, scarsa crescita, malessere, ecc., in cui quasi mai c'è alcuna evidenza scientifica di rapporto causale con gli alimenti. Diversi sono i test che non hanno ragione di esistere: 1) test kinesiologico - valutazione "soggettiva" della forza muscolare mentre il paziente tiene in mano un contenitore di vetro con l'alimento da testare. 2) Test di provocazione/neutralizzazione - sottocutanea o sublinguale: consiste nella somministrazione dell'alimento sospetto, per la stessa via e a dosi molto inferiori di quelle che nella prima fase hanno evocato la sintomatologia, allo scopo di neutralizzarne i sintomi. 3) Electrodermal testing (EAV, Vega testing) is based on changes in electrical potential skin upon contact with food is not tolerated. 4) Test cytotoxic (cytotest, Alcatel-test): assessing the changes in the morphology of white blood cells placed on a glass slide, after adding the food. 5) Bioresonance: use a device that is capable of filtering the waves "negative" issued by 'body to send them "rehabilitated" to the patient. 6) Analysis of the hair: it is a kind of bio-resonance that would reveal the "dissonance" and stored in the hair due to food intolerance. 7) IgG and circulating immune complexes: are based on the assumption that not all immunological reactions are IgE mediated. Total sono tutti test assolutamente non validati dalla scienza medica ufficiale. Nel caso specifico questi test, eseguiti purtroppo in maniera diffusa su tutto il territorio nazionale, sono da considerarsi vere e proprie truffe perpetrate spesso ai danni di soggetti in condizioni di “debolezza” anche culturale. Oltre al danno economico immediato (ovviamente sono quasi tutte prestazioni di tipo privato) accentuato dal fatto di dover acquistare cibi e/o farmaci “naturali”, tali test sono spesso responsabili di altri danni: psicologici, sociali ed anche clinici. Infatti, ad esempio nei bambini, sono stati pubblicati casi di rachitismo o di carenza proteica dovuti a tali diete assolutamente incongrue e non giustificate. Un corretto comportamento medico should not be considered valid in any way and these diagnostic techniques can not rule out indiscriminately (especially in children) whole food groups (milk, egg, tomato) based without scientific justification. Many above symptoms disappear after a correct way of eating and in case of overweight or obesity would be sufficient to reduce the amount of food, change, errors, or "distractions food" and exclude packaged foods containing additives trade. Too simple? Judging from the turnover related to alleged food intolerance seems not!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How To Divert Home Phone To Mobile Telstra


George Pitzalis
diseases related to a state of malnutrition, once common, are now the exception, at least in developed countries. Even the micro-constituents of the diet, such as vitamins, whose lack of introduction until a few years ago was due to deficiency or even real deficiency syndromes, are favorably affected by the change in dietary habits from increased prosperity. There are basically two major groups of vitamins, water soluble and fat soluble. Among the first victims. B1, found primarily in meat, vegetables, potatoes, fruit, and the vit. B2 (meat, fish, milk, eggs), the vit. B6 (meat, liver, egg yolk, milk, green leafy vegetables, fruits), the vit.B12 (carni, latte, formaggi); la vit. PP (carni, pesce, cereali); l’acido folico (carni, uova, formaggi, legumi, patate, cereali). Le vitamine liposolubili sono la vit. A contenuta nel fegato, burro, latte, formaggi, uova, la provitamina A (carote, spinaci, cavoli, albicocche), la vit. D (fegato, burro, latte, formaggi, uova), la vit. E (olio di arachidi e di oliva, ortaggi verdi, germe di cereali), la vit. K (spinaci, cavoli). Tuttavia, per alcune di queste vitamine possono ancora oggi verificarsi situazioni di carenza marginale. Non raramente infatti gli apporti ali¬mentari di vitamine possono essere insufficienti nelle fasi di rapido accrescimento e sviluppo corporeo o in situazioni contingen ¬ you of increased need, such as an intense physical activity. This is particularly likely if the usual food, as often happens, is based on a small variety of foods or use preva ¬ lens of food stored for a long time before consumption or subjected to artificial aging or other technological mind ¬ processed so that their real vitamin content is substantially reduced. Exposure to heat or the light, oxidation, the cooking of food result in a loss of vitamins ¬ ta high active species of water-soluble ones. The sterilization of milk results in a reduction of 30% of the content of vit. And vitamin B1. B6 and 50 ¬% on the cylinder to the victims. B12 and the preservation of fruit and vegetables results in almost total loss of vit.C. Then there are diseases that involve intestinal malabsorption, or for interactions with drugs or toxic ¬ ca paci to reduce or alter the ability to use nutrients in the body. For example, mineral oils, used as sativi ¬ las, determine fecal loss of fat-soluble vitamins. Between an optimal state of nutrition and a lack of obvious we can recognize the many intermediate situations where ¬ physiological or pathological significance remains unclear. All the more so because the process of depletion of vitamin 'body is usually slow and gradual. This process can essere schematicamente suddiviso in sei stadi evolutivi. Il primo stadio corrisponde al periodo di bilancio negativo tra apporto nutrizionale di una certa vitamina ed il suo fabbisogno, com¬pensato dal progressivo depauperamento delle riserve corporee; l' escrezione urinaria della vitamina spesso diminuisce mentre i li¬velli ematici sono ancora nei limiti della norma. Nel secondo stadio si ha una caduta netta dell'escrezione urinaria di vitamina ed un'iniziale alterazione dei livelli ematici e tissutali. Il terzo stadio è caratterizzato dalla diminuzione delle concentrazioni ematiche, urinarie e tissutali di vitamina e dalla ridotta attività di enzimi vitamino-dipendenti, metaboliti od ormoni. Possono già comparire sintomi aspecifici quali malessere, insomnia, poor appetite, changes in mood and mental performance, alterations in immune responses. The fourth stage is characterized by the appearance of morphological and functional alterations of their deficiency. So if this is not promptly and adequately treated, the disease becomes overt deficiency and will continue to dominate the picture of the classic symptoms and signs, first as reversible, in the fifth stage, and then irreversibly in the sixth and final stage. According to this scheme, the vitamin deficiency is a health problem already in the third stage and at this stage must be recognized and treated. In conclusion, a varied diet, including fruits and vegetables obviously multicolored is essential to avoid these problems and avoid costly as other vitamin supplements.
... to be continued

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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mineral waters: what drink

mineral waters: what drink

George Pitzalis
pediatrician Nutritionist
of Scientific

In nature, water is not are never pure but are saline solutions in varying concentrations. The so-called water mineralization occurs during the underground movement (both superficial and deep) and with saline ¬ held depends on the type of contact, more or less prolonged, with the rocks. Although All drinking water contains minerals, the law allows you to call "mineral water" ¬ tively excluding those waters that "have special hygienic and beneficial properties to health" due to the presence of particular minerals and trace elements. In particular, it is forbidden to any treatment healing mineral water, which must already be "healthy" bottled at the source and flows to the source. Mineral waters can be classified according to their fixed residue (RF), or the total amount of salts contained in one liter of water evaporated at 180 ° C. The slightly mineralized waters (within 50 mg / l) represent approximately 19% of commercial mineral waters in Italy and are some ¬ what have the lowest salt content. These waters results in an increased diuresis and find their main indication in patients with urinary tract stones. This type of water can be recommended to all those in need of a diet low in sodium, such as in patients with hypertension. Then there are mineral waters (50-500 mg / l), representing 56% of Italian bottled waters, favors ¬ scone diuresis and are specifically indicated in the prevention of kidney stones. These waters play antispasmodic action on the muscles of the urinary tract, which he associated with the company ¬ mechanical data by the passage of liquid to be expelled any calculations. The mineral waters are used in pediatrics for the reconstitution of milk powder because it does not change the salt content of the milk itself. The average mineral water (500-1500 mg / l) account for 25% of water on the market. They have characteristics between the average inter ¬ mineral waters and the most mineralized, in relation to the dry residue: Most of this water is rich in calcium and bicarbonate ions. Finally there are the waters rich in minerals. Only 11% of commercial mineral waters are part of this group and are waters that exceed the maximum allowable residue limits provided by law for the com ¬ its drinking water. Not recommended for daily consumption of are usually used for the purpose tera ¬ peutic for the high presence of sodium sulfate, potassium, magnesium and other salts. Their use should be under medical supervision to avoid the appearance of side effects such as for exam ¬ ple purgative action or risk in hypertension. In connection with the ¬ held carbon dioxide should be noted that all waters are considered "natural" because bottled spring as the source. The mineral water is called "flat" is defined invest ¬ ce "added" when you added a variable number of non-carbon dioxide from the same source. The naturally sparkling water is flowing from the source, the quantity of carbon dioxide equal to or greater than 250 mg / l. The carbonated water quench best in anesthetize the nerve endings of the oral mucosa, however, are to be contraindicated in individuals who follow low-calorie diets because the carbon dioxide stimulates the secretion and gastric motility by reducing the sense of satiety induced by food. They also cause bloating especially in those predisposed to intestinal fermentation. The mineral waters are also classified on the basis of the predominant substances in their composition saline. The bicarbonate. They are mostly water and calcium bicarbonate. Aid digestion and accelerate gastric emptying if drunk during the meal as baking soda tends to decrease the acidity in the duodenum favoring the action of pancreatic enzymes. ¬ depth buffers the gastric acid if taken on an empty stomach. Calcium gives a pleasant taste. These waters are ideal during the growing period and adulthood as a preventive strategy osteotomy ¬ porous because they contribute significantly all'intake daily calcium ions in the form ¬ ca and easily absorbed. The bicarbonate and calcium are shown in hepatobiliary disease, in par ¬ ticular in hepatic and biliary dyskinetic phenomena. Sulphate waters are not recommended during development because the sulfate can interfere with calcium absorption. These waters are slightly laxative (those with high concentrations of magnesium ¬ tion) and exert a relaxing effect on smooth muscle and gall. Therefore are given in hepatobiliary disease and spastic colitis. The chlorinated water have a characteristic chemical and physical interest: their composition is similar to that of organic liquids derived from this feature and their basic properties. The chlorinated water should act balancing the activities of IN ¬ intestine, biliary tract and liver. There are no contraindications for chlorine, but the combination of chlorine and sodium almost always makes the water unsuitable for people suffering from hypertension. Moreover, they are also not recommended in various forme di disturbi renali. Le acque calciche sono indi¬cate per le malattie epatiche e gastriche e soprattutto per coloro che non bevono latte o amano poco i latticini, in particolare per le donne in gravidanza o in menopausa e per i bambini. Diverse abitudini di vita spingono ad eliminare o ridurre dall'alimentazione i prodot¬ti derivati del latte, come ad esempio i formaggi, sia per motivi legati all'intolleranza o all'iperco¬lesterolemia sia per l'esigenza di ridurre l'apporto calorico. Ecco perché ci si trova spesso di fronte a gruppi di popolazione carenti di calcio. L'uso di acque minerali calciche o bicarbonato-calciche aiuta a raggiungere un adeguato intake quotidiano di calcio, senza alcun apporto calorico e senza com¬promettere la salute. The waters have mainly been magnesium purgative action, but also found in the preven ¬ tion indication dell'arterosclerosi because, as those containing lithium or potassium, induced a significant dilation of the arteries. In the course of magnesium deficiency is established that a deficiency syndrome can be characterized by anxiety, stomach cramps, dizziness, headache and fatigue that has been called "syndrome of neuronal hyperexcitability. The fluorinated water are defined as having a fluorine content higher than 1 mg / l and should therefore be worn for limited periods or cycles in order to avoid the risk of fluorosis. In fact, fluoride has an important protective role to dental caries, but an excess can lead to fluorosis, which is manifested by interference with stains on the teeth and the bone mineral ¬ tion. The use of these waters is not recommended for continuous periods in children for the prevention of dental caries and in pregnant women, because the first impression of the tooth is formed already in the fetus. Ferruginous waters are shown in iron-deficiency anemia, as supplements to treat martial. In the mineral iron is found either in the form of "ferric" little assorbibi ¬, that in a "ferrous" more bioavailable. The use of these waters is not recommended in patients with gastroduodenitis. Finally, for the high sodium water sodium concentration (> 200 mg / I), are contraindicated in hypertensive subjects, which must instead use water with a sodium content of <20 mg/I, e nei sog¬getti che seguono una dieta a ridotto contenuto di sale. Il pericolo per le acque in genere e in particolare per le acque minerali è costituito dalla pre¬senza di quantità eccessive di nitrati: il grado di inquinamento da nitrati è in continuo aumento. I nitra¬ti, ultima fase di ossidazione dell'azoto, costituiscono un indice di inquinamento che può essere di natu¬ra organica, dovuto alle deiezioni animali, oppure di tipo inorganico, proveniente dagli insediamenti indu¬striali (piogge acide ricche di ossidi di azoto), ma soprattutto dai fertilizzanti azotati usati in agricoltura. Il limite massimo fissato è di 25 mg/I per le donne e <10 mg/I per i lattanti: valori superiori possono provocare nei neonati la metaemoglobi¬nemia. E' bene quindi dare preferenza ad acque con bassi valori di nitrati, specialmente se sono destinate a neonati o a donne in gravidanza. Insomma dire acqua spesso non basta anche se rimane valido l’invito di berne 2-2,5 litri ogni giorno.

Streaming Denise Milani

Abstract intervention


George Pitzalis

specialist in Pediatrics, Gastroenterology and Nutrition Sciences Pediatric Association of the Scientific Committee
G. Dossetti: Values \u200b\u200b"

In Italy 4 out of 10 children of school age are overweight or obese. In industrialized countries there is a risk that the life expectancy of children is lower than that of their parents, due to diseases arising from excess ponderale. Ancora oggi, in tema di nutrizione, l’informazione è frammentaria, talvolta incompleta e il più delle volte mediata da interessi commerciali. L’attenzione posta agli alimenti assunti quotidianamente spesso è superficiale e il cibo continua ad essere costantemente veicolo di affetto o attenzione. Intanto l’elogio della dieta mediterranea, ad opera del ricercatore americano Ancel Benjamin Keys compie 40 anni. Pane, pasta, legumi, latte e formaggi, olio d’oliva, frutta, verdure ed ortaggi, pesce e carni alternative sono i cibi più rappresentativi della tradizione alimentare mediterranea, che anche nei Paesi più industrializzati viene oggi proposta come modello ideale di alimentazione, sulla base di vasti studi epidemiologici. Esistono infatti valide prove scientifiche che un’alimentazione come quella mediterranea riduca notevolmente i rischi di insorgenza di obesità, aterosclerosi, diabete, ipertensione, malattie digestive, ecc. All’estero vengono così rivalutate le sane e più tipiche abitudini alimentari dei popoli del bacino mediterraneo, abitudini che peraltro sono state oggi da noi abbandonate, perché considerate espressione di "vita povera". Come conseguenza, oltre a spendere molto di più, mangiamo male (cioè in modo poco equilibrato) e troppo. Un esempio? 1 solo biscotto o 1 brick di succo di frutta possono apportare all’organismo anche 100 kcal che, se in eccesso rispetto al fabbisogno, possono “regalare” in just over 2 months 1 kg in weight. The typical Mediterranean foods are suitable to be easily "stews", capable of providing for themselves the nutrient supply of the usual "first" and "second" and replace them effectively and economically in one port. Typical examples include: pasta and beans (or chickpeas or lentils), a stew with potatoes, pasta or rice with seasoning meat, fish or cheese, minestrone soup with grated cheese, pizza, etc.. To follow these "unique dishes" a "second" traditional is excessive and unnecessary: \u200b\u200bit is simply the addition of fresh vegetables and fruit to make a full meal, nutritionally balanced and inexpensive. In general, the diet therapy of obesity (even in children), must first be balanced at the level of macronutrients (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) and moderately low-calorie. Particular attention should be given school-age children: this is the age group most affected in the overweight-obesity: it is well advised to follow a balanced diet in terms of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. In this respect, the Mediterranean diet (Italian way of eating) ensures a fair share of protein (15%), however, giving the space it deserves to carbohydrates (60%), spare no fats or lipids (25%). In practice, they may be food in the correct directions developmental age: - choose whole grains with low glycemic index (pasta, barley, rice, etc..) than those with higher glycemic index (bread, potatoes, etc..) - contain protein consumption (red meat, sausages, cheeses), promote consumption of fruits and vegetables - often use "good" fats (olive oil, fish), and some dried fruit with oily nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pine nuts (1-2 times / wk.) - flavor enhancers and flavor with lots of herbs rather than complicated sauces; maintain a good pace-hunger-satiety (best 5 meals a day), food-vary throughout the week - heavy drinking (1,0-1.5 liters of water per day) by reducing soft drinks as much as possible - take the sweets sparingly (small servings a week of sweet simple). What else? Carry out an adequate level of daily physical activity!

Who wants to soon start a large fire with small twigs (William Shakespeare)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

South Park Quotes Bleeding Die

You are all invited to the conference in Rome on October 29.

Chamber of Deputies. Palazzo Marini. Via del Pozzetto 158. Dossetti The association will hold a conference on the Mediterranean diet. Information at
Among the speakers will be Dr. George Pitzalis, President of Giustopeso Italy.

Friday, October 9, 2009

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Parents unaware of the weight of the children

La famiglia riveste un ruolo importante nel trattamento dell'obesità infantile, ma i genitori devono in primo luogo realizzare che il figlio è in sovrappeso o obeso. Diversi studi hanno verificato, infatti, che ciò non accade in percentuali molto elevate di casi, in relazione a fattori socio-demografici.

La classificazione dei propri figli è stata proposta in un campione di bambini tra 5 e 12 anni, ai rispettivi genitori, appaiando un bambino a un genitore (n=576). Secondo la scala Likert, i genitori dovevano collocare il figlio tra i due estremi "estremamente sottopeso" ed "estremamente sovrappeso".

La percezione genitoriale è stata poi confrontata con il peso body evaluated using percentile for age and gender, body mass index (BMI). 86% of parents of children obese or overweight has an incorrect classification, calling them overweight in the first and the second normal weight. In particular, all parents of children with BMI greater than or equal to 95 percentile, classifying their children in a different category from "extremely overweight".

Moreover, 75% of children with BMI between the 85th and 95th percentile were classified as "near normal weight" or underweight. The error occurred most likely with young males (29% vs 21%) and there were no additional features associated with the error. The results highlight the need to pay greater attention to the body weight of children during visits to parents and report any anomalies.

J Pediatr Health Care. 2009, 23 (4) :216-21

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Watery Brown Cm Before Period

to Sanaa, for Hina

It always comes back on the same things (or, "Musil to" return the same things). The recent case of Sanaa Dafani , the eighteen year old Moroccan girl probably murdered by her father because he did not accept his living with an Italian boy (but it is not clear if he does not accept the fact of living or the fact that the partner was an Italian), returns to the center of philosophical and social status of women and the difficult the issue of gender violence. The media have already prepared the analogy with the "case" Hina Saleem, a Pakistani girl murdered by the clan family in Brescia since he wanted to live "Western", against the advice of his relatives.
these topics had already talked about the human condition, starting with my students in social science a debate from an article and Kureishi's book by Susan Moller Okin Women's rights and multiculturalism, and in particular the essay "Multiculturalism is bad for women?". The Okin pursues women, in particular the movements for the rights of women to ask themselves this question: who foots the bill of cultural integration? And unfortunately the answer is always the same: they pay the most vulnerable in every sector of the cultural mosaic, or the children or, as in this case, young women. This is because children, as parties to the process of socialization and women as primarily responsible for the material reproduction of the group, are in fact the true subject of every strong community. Bambini e donne rappresentano la speranza, il futuro, la possibilità di rigenerazione, ma, al tempo stesso, anche la conservazione e la tradizione. Perciò essi sono rivendicati come "proprietà", quindi spesso con furore dalla comunità di appartenenza, la quale invoca ogni volta parole come identità , tradizione , cultura per giustificare tale esclusiva proprietaria.
Il fatto è che ogni cultura, ogni rivendicazione identitaria, ogni gesto con cui si rivendica l'appartenenza a una comunità è potenzialmente violento e generatore di violenza. Come scrive Francesco Remotti in Contro l'identità "l'identità non inerisce essence of an object, however, depends on our decisions "( Against Identity , p. 5). Not only in a modern society (as they believe the community) but in any society we have decide what identity : it is not an essence fixed once and for all. We organize our identity, and decostruiamo build, invent and reinvent the, form, and the continuous deformation. It is not easy to transfer to a conventional ( as do many anthropologists and even the same Remotti) or, as we say nowadays often inappropriately, to a comfortable cultural relativism, which means that each building or deconstructing the self ritagliandoselo between circumstances, opportunities, situations, opportunities (a sort of self multiform or information, or "liquid" in the terminology now a bit 'worn by Bauman). The fact that you do not want to accept is that the ' identity is a process, it is basically another report and recognition capabilities. No culture, no conception of community that has closed in on itself will never delete this "made the difference." And if you want to delete it, the only means by which it may have will be violence, terror, humiliation, in Sanaa and Hina are unfortunately only the most extreme cases, for women, for young people because "integrated" therefore predestined victims of rabid obsession for identity and ideology of exclusive possession which is not foreign to any "tradition". The effort that must be done to prevent the recurrence of such cases is to break the obsession and ideology, not only with the repressive instruments of the law but also through dialogue, confrontation, the reconstitution of a web of rules and values. In order for a father (or husband) should no longer feel lost, "thrown" into a situation anomic, with no reference points, if he loses the affection (or unconditional devotion) of a daughter (or wife), so a daughter (or wife) should no longer fear for their lives as a result of its free individual choices, so that each word an individual can feel accepted, understood, loved, and especially for his choices, for that identity that we build with others.
- daughter killed because he lived with an Italian (Courier);
- The tragedy of Sanaa's mother (Gazzettino);
- The father master (Republic);
- Sanaa as Hina, two lives cut short (Sky);
- Minister Carfagna in a civil trial for the murder of Sanaa (ANSA).

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sour Odor From Stomach

Farewell to Democracy and the social sciences

Farewell to the social sciences, sociology, cultural anthropology, the research methodology. most innovative materials taught in the last decade in the Italian high schools disappear with the reform desired by the minister Gelmini, programs of the new School of Humanities referred for now you know the time profile only through the drafts of the new Regulations institution. In any case, the next school year will take effect the new high schools that will erase the trials and the Jug programs, in particular the socio-psycho-educational high school and high school social science, both replaced by a high school science Human within which institutions can activate an option "economic-social".
The current teachers' philosophy, psychology and science education "(class of competition A036) Philosophy no longer teach in these high schools: it is in fact assigned (with history) to the current faculty of Philosophy and History (Class of Competition A037 ).
Currently, the ministry has yet to clarify specifically what are the objectives of the teaching of "Humanities": but even now it is known that the loss of hours for the matter of address will be very high ("Humanities" you teach it for just 12 hours over the five year period), and would the disappearance of the teaching of pedagogy, sociology and psychology as autonomous subjects (although they will be reactivated if "optioned" by students who want to do extra hours compared to the number of hours provided for in 27 for the second year and 30 for three years). Similarly materials are destined to disappear as a "laboratory of social science", taught in the current School of Social Sciences and the copresences (usually philosophy / social sciences and history / law).
Such reforms will therefore seems primarily explained by the need to rationalize spending rather than genuine reasons for education and teaching. But this will result in the loss (and jobs!) A wealth of knowledge which was consolidated over the years, as the numerous sites pertaining to the network of social sciences (such as Steps ).
For more technical and detailed information on the changes that are being introduced is a very useful site of exploring the new School of Humanities :

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why Do You Get Pityriasis?


The health of democracy and the inability to feel shame

Gianfranco Carofiglio

An indication of the degree of development of democracy in general and the quality of public life can be inferred from the state of health of words, how it is used, by what they can mean. From the way that they can generate. Today, in our country, the health of the words is worrying. We are witnessing a pathological process of conversion of the language dominant ideology through the employment of the language. .. Continue on , July 28, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Miley Cyrus And Nick Jonas

New Library Humanities Library

Roberto Infrasca
culture of impersonality
Rome, 2009 Magi
272 pp.
socio-cultural scenarios of the past two decades, the era "postmodern" have produced - at the micro level and macro-social - significant changes in the psychological model, cognitive and behavioral individual.
These changes have introduced cultural forms, conceptual, relational and existential representing a strange and disturbing phenomenon: relations Human increasingly resemble those developed and induced auto and commercial criteria, as people base their security keeping close to the multitude, rules, values \u200b\u200band behaviors impersonal, constantly conveyed by the media and widely adopted by the company . The underlying communication gap reflects the 'maturation arrest intrapsychic and interpersonal man who, in an attempt to get close to others, is desperately lonely.
careful and passionate student of the psychological problems of development of the person, the author makes clear so clear the great problems of people's everyday lives. His analysis is aimed at highlighting the factors and phenomena that have originated and organized social structure, cultural and psycho-behavioral entity defined here "postmodern man '.
Roberto Infrasca , psychotherapist, carries on his professional career at the Division of Psychiatry at ASL 5 of La Spezia. Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Genoa, is the author of books: The silent language , size adolescence: a project between dependence and autonomy , Women and depression and, for the types of Edizioni Magi, Anorexia and sexual conflict , Childhood depression , events in childhood and adult psychopathology , DAP: Framework psychopathological and psychotherapeutic approach in Panic Disorder .
Source: Edizioni Magi

Monday, June 29, 2009

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anti-racism - Ethnic identity

Ugo Fabietti
Ethnic identity
Rome, Carocci
184 pp.
What ethnic identity? It is a "natural fact" that unites people with the same origin, the same language, same religion 'is a tenet of all societies and all ages, or otherwise, is a peculiar feature of the forms of existence " primitive "or at least pre-modern? Ethnic identity can perhaps be seen as the product of circumstances quotas? And yet, in what sense can we speak of 'memory' ethnic 'What role it plays in the context of a world divided politically, but through the powerful flows of technology? To these questions the book suggests an answer, drawing a path where the clarification of concepts wants decoupled from concrete multiplicity of phenomena studiati.Mediante analysis of the concept of ethnic identity and that, related to it, of "cultural authenticity" is thus presented a broad constellation of ideas that, quite often, living immersed in the places common everyday language, politics, media and the same antropologia.Proprio in perspective, and using some exemplary "ethnographic cases, the book focuses on the linkages between" ethnicity "which circulate in all regions of the Earth: African tribalism, the struggle for recognition by the Indian minority, the neorazzismo, multiculturalism or naive esasperato.Un book chiunque voglia interrogarsi criticamente su una delle parole chiave del nostro tempo.
Fonte: Carocci editore

Pokemon Heart Gold Sprite Sheet

Library racist - Race and history, race and culture

Claude Lévi-Strauss
Razza e storia
Razza e cultura

Torino, Einaudi pbe 2002
116 pp.
Scritti a distanza di circa vent'anni l'uno dall'altro, Razza e storia (1952) e Razza e cultura (1971) rappresentano una pietra miliare della riflessione antropologica e vanno considerati ancora oggi alla stregua di un piccolo manifesto antirazzista.
Nel loro insieme i due saggi propongono gli aspetti inscindibili di una medesima riflessione: quella relativa ai mondi sommersi, e quella sul mondo che ci circonda. Illustrando tutta l'ambiguità di parole chiave quali senso del progresso, civiltà, differenza razziale, etnocentrismo, il grande antropologo francese denuncia la gratuità, ma anche la straordinaria forza di seduzione, dei pregiudizi e luoghi comuni che alimentano ogni idea di identità culturale e qualsiasi rapporto con il diverso-disuguale, riaffermando il legittimo diritto all'esistenza di qualsiasi cultura. Il relativismo culturale lévi-straussiano non considera infatti le civiltà come universi chiusi: «L'unica tara che possa affliggere un gruppo umano e impedirgli di realizzare in pieno la propria natura è quella di essere solo».
Fonte: Casa editrice Einaudi