George Pitzalis
pediatrician Nutritionist
of fruits and vegetables have a reduced-calorie, and provide the body with water, sugar, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and phytochemicals (compounds of plant origin). For all of us, every day, you should take a quantity equal to volume of 5 handfuls of fruit and / or vegetables. With this habit and an active lifestyle helps you to maintain physical and mental health, among other things, reducing by more than 30% the risk of cancer. Eating fruits and vegetables is important in every phase of life and what to eat is a good idea to teach children of all ages. Each fruit and vegetable has its own characteristics. 'S why our "5 fists" daily of fruits and vegetables should be as much as possible, colorful. Foods of the red (watermelon, orange, red cherry, strawberry, beetroot, tomatoes, radishes), reduce the risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases and protect the skin. Characteristic of this group of fruits and vegetables is the high content of two phytochemi ¬ cals with potent antioxidant lycopene and anthocyanins. The lycopene is effective in the prevention of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Anthocyanins are very useful in the treatment of diseases of the blood vessels of capillary fragility, prevention ATER ¬ sclerosis, inhibiting platelet aggregate ¬ tion and to improve visual function. Lycopene also has a high antioxidant power. During the matu ¬ ration of fruits and vegetables to reach the highest concentration of lycopene, and ripe fruits and vegetables will contain more. The strawberries and the orange red contain large amounts of vitamin C, which in addition to the fun ¬ tion antioxidant contributes to the production of collagen, keeps intact the blood vessels ¬ JUNE, stimulates the immune system, wound healing and increases absorption ¬ ment of the iron contained in vegetables . Foods of the yellow / orange are important to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, through the action of beta-carotene and flavonoids. Foods in this group are apricot, orange, clementine, khaki, lemon, mandarin, melon, loquat, nectarine, peach, grapefruit, pumpkin. Beta-carotene is the precursor of vitamin A, which is involved in growth ¬ tion, reproduction and maintenance tissue, immu ¬ nity in the function and vision. Beta-carotene protects our cells from damage caused by free radicals, is absorbed with fat and, when taken with food, it remains an overdose, but can occur as in the case of an excessive use of supplements. This group of com ¬ ments is also rich in flavonoids, substances that protect us from many kinds of cancer. The orange, lemon and peppers are rich in vitamin C, which in addition to antioxidant function, contributes to the production of collagen. A powerful antioxidant comes from two phytochemicals (chlorophyll, carotenoids) produced by the green group (agretti, asparagus, basil, chard, cauliflower, broccoli, artichoke, broccoli and cabbage, cucumber, chicory, turnip greens, endive, kiwifruit, lettuce, parsley, arugula, spinach, grapes and zucchini). The green vegetables contain magnesium, a very important mineral because it participates in metabolism of carbohydrates and protein, regulates the pressure of the blood vessels and trans ¬ transmission of nerve impulses. In green foods is also a large amount of carotenoids, which are specific phytochemicals responsible for vision, the development of epithelial cells, defend and aging. Green leafy vegetables are the best source of folic acid and folate, whose action is essential in pregnant women for risk prevention di incompleta chiusura del canale vertebrale dei neonati. L'acido folico e i folati contribuiscono inoltre alla prevenzione dell'aterosclerosi. Il contenuto di vitamina C degli ortaggi e della frutta di questo colore è molto elevato, in particolare nei broccoli, nel prezzemolo, negli spinaci e nel kiwi. La vista, la struttura dei capillari sanguigni e la funzione urinaria è assicurata dalle antocianine, caratterizzate da un elevato potere antiossidante nel gruppo blu/viola, rappresentato da fichi, frutti di bosco come lamponi, mirtilli, more e ribes, melanzane, prugne, radicchio, uva nera. Il consumo di alimenti contenenti antocianine è anche associato ad una ridotta incidenza di tumori. Elevato nel ribes e nel radicchio è il contenuto di vitamin C. Chicory is a good source of potassium, whose consumption is protective of bone health and is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and hyper ¬ tension. Good source of potassium are also figs, currants, blackberries and plums. Eggplants are rich in magnesium, and making a small number of calories. All foods in this group are characterized by a substantial amount of fiber. Finally, the white group (garlic, cauliflower, onion, fennel, mushrooms, apples, pears, leeks, celery), contains quercetin, a phytochemical very useful in preventing various cancers. Among these apples contain large amounts of flavonoids, potent antioxidants against tumors and the functionality lung. Foods in this group are a treasure trove of health for the wealth of fiber, minerals (especially potassium, whose consumption is protective of bone tissue, and after it ¬ cardiovascular disease and hypertension) and vitamins, especially vitamin C. The growing scientific interest in the food of the white group is linked primarily to the fact that naturally contain phytochemicals (isothiocyanates), which are pre ¬ cellular aging. Garlic, onions and leeks contain a substance, the allilsolfuro, which pro ¬ protects our body from coronary heart disease, makes the blood more fluid and less prone to blood clots and helps in preventing various forms of cancer. Fungi represent, along with cereals and beef, a major source of selenium, a mineral that although in very small quantities needed for our body daily to prevent hypertension, anemia, various cancers and aging. Fruits and vegetables should be taken every day, not only to hold our caloric intake, but also to derive maximum benefit from their multiple dimensions.
To be continued ...
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