Ecco quali cono ed a cosa are the most popular functional foods
Food iodized salt
What it is particularly useful in mountainous and rural areas, where fish consumption is low. A fair amount of iodine to the proper functioning of the thyroid.
and Muesli Bread enriched with isoflavones
Isoflavones seem to exert a preventive role in the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease
eggs and milk enriched with omega-3 essential fatty acids
omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect by protecting risk of heart attack.
yogurt, fermented milk, snacks and dairy products fortified with probiotic cultures generally
Improve e mantengono la flora microbica intestinale e inducono una maggior efficienza dell’organismo
Latte arricchito di ferro e acido folico
È utile particolarmente per le donne in gravidanza che hanno uno specifico bisogno di questi nutrienti
Cereali per la colazione arricchiti in acido folico
Durante la gravidanza un sufficiente livello di acido folico protegge dal rischio che il piccolo nasca con spina bifida
Biscotti, fette biscottate, cereali vitaminizzati e arricchiti con sali minerali
Contengono vitamine utili all’organismo, ma che si possono assumere facilmente da altri alimenti. Tra le integrazioni saline, quelle di calcio e ferro sono le più giustificate, given the widespread lack of these minerals in children.
Seed oils are fortified with vitamins
fat-soluble vitamins (eg A, D, E, K) are important for the health of the organism, but usually present in sufficient amounts in a varied diet.
Enriched with vitamins water-soluble vitamins and minerals, can be useful if the diet is low in vegetables are naturally rich in these substances. However, their use is not educational.
Chips vitamin-enriched factors
exploit the natural passion of children for the chips, to introduce larger amounts of vitamins. Their use is criticism especially in terms of proper nutrition education and taste.
candies fortified with vitamins
As chips exploit the taste of children, but are questionable in terms of nutrition.
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